Gas prices making us reach for change
Consumers are being tipped upside down by the big oil companies, with money being shaken out of their pockets at the pump. This statement made by Chairman Edward Markey (D-MA), was widely echoed by all members of Congress present at the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. President Bush, he said, refuses to use our oil reserves, and not only is that something that can be done, it is something that should be done. Congressman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) echoed that by adding that they need to put aside bipartisanship and releasing the reserves was essentially paying attention to Economics 101.
Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA) made an even stronger statement, saying ‘when your house is on fire it is more important to get the hose instead of take out another insurance policy.’ Why is it, he said, that we regulate wheat but not gas? Speculation is driving up prices, and the administration has refused to help us.
And that speculation of world condition is 1/3 of the price per barrel, according to Dr. Mark Cooper, Director of Research at the Consumer Federation of America. America uses 1/4 of the oil in the world, and that 1/3 price is actually $38 dollars a barrel [as of today]. A side effect of high gas prices, is that trucks deliver almost all the consumer goods in the United States, Dave Berry, Vice President of the Swift Transportation Company, Inc, added. The high prices of gas and/or diesel are causing prices in consumer goods to go up, since they are trucked from place to place.
Kevin Book, Sr. Vice President & Senior Analyst for Energy Policy, Oil, & Alternative Energy, summed up the crisis as follows: We need to save energy on a daily basis and quit our oil addiction. This element was not expanded on, and instead all the questioning reverted to whether or not the panel thought that President Bush should deploy the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The answer was a very enthusiastic “yes” from Dave Berry. We’d like the President to stop filling the SPR, he said, and consumers at the pump will see the benefit.
Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA) made an even stronger statement, saying ‘when your house is on fire it is more important to get the hose instead of take out another insurance policy.’ Why is it, he said, that we regulate wheat but not gas? Speculation is driving up prices, and the administration has refused to help us.
And that speculation of world condition is 1/3 of the price per barrel, according to Dr. Mark Cooper, Director of Research at the Consumer Federation of America. America uses 1/4 of the oil in the world, and that 1/3 price is actually $38 dollars a barrel [as of today]. A side effect of high gas prices, is that trucks deliver almost all the consumer goods in the United States, Dave Berry, Vice President of the Swift Transportation Company, Inc, added. The high prices of gas and/or diesel are causing prices in consumer goods to go up, since they are trucked from place to place.
Kevin Book, Sr. Vice President & Senior Analyst for Energy Policy, Oil, & Alternative Energy, summed up the crisis as follows: We need to save energy on a daily basis and quit our oil addiction. This element was not expanded on, and instead all the questioning reverted to whether or not the panel thought that President Bush should deploy the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The answer was a very enthusiastic “yes” from Dave Berry. We’d like the President to stop filling the SPR, he said, and consumers at the pump will see the benefit.
Chairman Edward Markey,
Consumer Federation of America,
Dave Berry,
Energy Independence,
Energy Policy Alternative,
House Select Commitee,
James Sensenbrenner,
Jay Inslee,
Kevin Book,
Mark COoper,
President George Bush,
Strategic Petroleum Reserve,
Swift Transportation Company,
global warming in

House Republicans Urge President To Hold Off On Climate Change Negotiations
House Republican Conference Chair Mike Pence (R-Ind.) and several other Republican members Tuesday touted a letter to President Barack Obama written by GOP leaders urging the president to restrain from making political agreements at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit that the administration may not be able to keep.
The letter expresses concern that such negotiations could spur “a negative impact on the American economy and specifically for small businesses and the manufacturing and agricultural sectors.”
In a statement released Monday, Pence said “the president must [...] address how reducing carbon emissions will affect our struggling small businesses, manufacturers and farmers. Further, developing countries have pledged to protect their growing economies from international carbon caps.”
Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) took Tuesday's appearance to refer to a group of hacked emails in which scientists allegedly manipulated global warming data.
“The UN should step back until the ClimateGate scandal is over,” said Sensenbrenner.