IMF Chairman: 2010 Could Be End of Recession
Jonathan Bronstein, Talk Radio News Service
Since the economic crisis began in 2008, many people have been clinging to the hope of hearing positive news regarding to the economy. Recently, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the current chairman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), delivered some optimistic news, as he believes that 2010 could be end of recession.
“The free-fall in the global economy is beginning to abate,” said Strauss-Kahn in an optimistic tone.
But Strauss-Kahn believes that the governments must take three steps in order to bring this current recession to a close.
Firstly, financial sector reform, as “it is essential there is no way in the global economy without this,” said Strauss-Kahn. Governments must work to cleanse the banks balance sheets and attempt to re-capitalize the banks in order to prevent “zombie banks,” banks that keep “toxic” assets on their bank sheets, from taking hold and keeping nations in a prolonged recession.
Secondly, the need for a global and coordinated fiscal stimulus, and the IMF asked for a 2 percent global stimulus, and “I must say that globally the government delivered at the global level,” said Strauss-Kahn, who continued to say, “and for 2009 we [the world] has what it needs.” Not only was Strauss-Kahn pleased that the world heeded the warnings of the IMF, but also implemented them at a similar time, which marked a more unified response.
Thirdly, Strauss-Kahn wanted urgent action taken by the national governments on the financial front in order to keep the banks solvent, and to alleviate any pressure in emerging markets. “This is the area where the G-20 was boldest in tripling the resources of the IMF, its lending capacity, to an unprecedented $750 billion,” said Strauss-Kahn.
However, Strauss-Kahn had sobering news regarding the present, as he believes that no matter how much stimulus is placed into the economy this year, 2009 will be seen by future generations as a lost year of economic growth.
“2009 will almost certainly be an awful year; we expect global growth to enter deeply negative territory,” said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the current chairman of the International Monetary Fund.
While 2009 may be a bleak year; one must not overlook the positive indicators in the economy, like the NASDAQ recently reaching its 5-month high, which illustrate the resilience and strength of the economy.
Strauss-Kahn continued to outline the 4 desires of the IMF in order to prevent another economic crisis, they are: better regulation of financial markets, civilian watchdogs on the “corner between main street and Wall Street,” international cooperation and financial arrangements between nations in economic troubles and the IMF so the stipulations that accompany the loan are not too stringent.
“In future time people do believe the United States economy will get better and is most secure,” said Strauss-Kahn, and for this reason the dollar will continue to be seen as the last bastion of security, even during the most tumultuous times.
In fact, the dollar has continued to appreciate against competing currencies, like the Euro and Yen, even during this crisis, which according to Strauss-Kahn illustrates how at the end of this recession, “the dollar will still be supreme.”
Strauss-Kahn concluded by harkening back to his prediction that the crisis would ease in 2010, when he said “it is time to move forward and if we do move forward in the correct way than the recovery of the global economy in the first-half of 2010 will be a correct forecast.”
Since the economic crisis began in 2008, many people have been clinging to the hope of hearing positive news regarding to the economy. Recently, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the current chairman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), delivered some optimistic news, as he believes that 2010 could be end of recession.
“The free-fall in the global economy is beginning to abate,” said Strauss-Kahn in an optimistic tone.
But Strauss-Kahn believes that the governments must take three steps in order to bring this current recession to a close.
Firstly, financial sector reform, as “it is essential there is no way in the global economy without this,” said Strauss-Kahn. Governments must work to cleanse the banks balance sheets and attempt to re-capitalize the banks in order to prevent “zombie banks,” banks that keep “toxic” assets on their bank sheets, from taking hold and keeping nations in a prolonged recession.
Secondly, the need for a global and coordinated fiscal stimulus, and the IMF asked for a 2 percent global stimulus, and “I must say that globally the government delivered at the global level,” said Strauss-Kahn, who continued to say, “and for 2009 we [the world] has what it needs.” Not only was Strauss-Kahn pleased that the world heeded the warnings of the IMF, but also implemented them at a similar time, which marked a more unified response.
Thirdly, Strauss-Kahn wanted urgent action taken by the national governments on the financial front in order to keep the banks solvent, and to alleviate any pressure in emerging markets. “This is the area where the G-20 was boldest in tripling the resources of the IMF, its lending capacity, to an unprecedented $750 billion,” said Strauss-Kahn.
However, Strauss-Kahn had sobering news regarding the present, as he believes that no matter how much stimulus is placed into the economy this year, 2009 will be seen by future generations as a lost year of economic growth.
“2009 will almost certainly be an awful year; we expect global growth to enter deeply negative territory,” said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the current chairman of the International Monetary Fund.
While 2009 may be a bleak year; one must not overlook the positive indicators in the economy, like the NASDAQ recently reaching its 5-month high, which illustrate the resilience and strength of the economy.
Strauss-Kahn continued to outline the 4 desires of the IMF in order to prevent another economic crisis, they are: better regulation of financial markets, civilian watchdogs on the “corner between main street and Wall Street,” international cooperation and financial arrangements between nations in economic troubles and the IMF so the stipulations that accompany the loan are not too stringent.
“In future time people do believe the United States economy will get better and is most secure,” said Strauss-Kahn, and for this reason the dollar will continue to be seen as the last bastion of security, even during the most tumultuous times.
In fact, the dollar has continued to appreciate against competing currencies, like the Euro and Yen, even during this crisis, which according to Strauss-Kahn illustrates how at the end of this recession, “the dollar will still be supreme.”
Strauss-Kahn concluded by harkening back to his prediction that the crisis would ease in 2010, when he said “it is time to move forward and if we do move forward in the correct way than the recovery of the global economy in the first-half of 2010 will be a correct forecast.”
global financial crisis,
stimulus in

Chilean President Touts Chile’s Successful Economic Policies
During an address on Latin America and the economic crisis at the Brookings Institute yesterday, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet discussed her country's comparatively strong economy, explaining that the 1980’s economic crisis in Latin America taught the region to take measures to insulate itself from global financial crises.
“This time in Latin America, fundamental [institutions] were better and policy responses were swift,” Bachelet said. "Central banks move quickly to offset the lack of liquidity in dollars using either sovereign funds or international reserves accumulated during the commodity boom earlier this decade.”
Chile's current financial stability is largely due to the fact that it has moved away from American policies in recent years, eschewing the Washington Consensus, a set of American recommendations to Latin American states on how to rebuild their economies in 1989. The recommendations focused on maintaining a free market economy with little to no government involvement.
“This approach of no regulation is an approach that we have come to call in Chile the 'Paradigm of Passivity,' " Bachelet said. "The crisis has taught us what we should have known all along: that the state is not and cannot be passive when it comes to economic activity or financial regulation."
The Chilean president added: “When I talk about not being passive, I’m not talking necessarily about [an] interventionist state. I’m not calling for a government involved in all sectors of the economy or prone to over-regulating markets.”
Bachelet also compared Western states and Chile with regard to the policies implemented to reduce the impact of the global financial crisis.
“Unlike the U.S. and much of Europe, in 2009, tax payers have not have to pay the burden of bailing out” national companies, said Bachelet.
Additionally, the Chilean government has produced its own stimulus package, which aims to maintain the population’s purchasing power, rather than bail out industries.
“This [stimulus] package was designed to inject resources directly into the pockets of the most deprived families to promote employment by increasing public investment, and by granting subsidies to youth employment and to encourage private investment with temporary tax rebates,” Bachelet said.
Bachelet, a moderate socialist, is currently in Washington, D.C. to meet with President Barack Obama in hopes of increasing bilateral ties and improving trade partnerships. During her speech, she was quick to empathize with the Americans, echoing Obama's frequent calls for an economic restructuring to lead to “lasting prosperity."
States should not “go back to the same situation that we were in before, because that would mean we haven't learned the lessons of the crisis,” Bachelet said.