Photos from Sudan

One recently freed South Darfur slave boy helps another open his sack of hope - these sacks will provide for the former slaves for months
Click "Read more" to see more photos. Note: some photos are graphic depictions of injuries.

President of South Sudan Salva Kiir

Quant: just arrived from northern Sudan, mother taken into slavery when community was burned in Southern Sudan, without medical treatment and surgery he will die, his mother was beaten, she had other children

Close-up of Quant's leg wound: the white is chalk used by the Sudanese to 'prevent' infection. CSI will help him, but without treatment he will die

Recently Freed South Darfur Former Slaves Line Up For Sacks of Hope

Boys now in late teens freed 24 hrs before trns arrived in exchange for cow vaccine: opening "sacks of hope" in South Darfur - sacks will allow them to survive for months.

Leg wound of recent Returnee: girl was unsure of how she received wound, but must have immediate treatment

Akec Mou: Arrived one day before TRNS people - Christian, husband had two wives, first wife was enslaved, she was caught in Darfur because she was trying to find her enslaved children - never found them - she was gone for years.

Arms raised of people who have witnessed someone they know killed - Majang Kar: these people were returned to this village in last 4 days - many of these women were slaves taken from the village forcibly years ago

Face of Newly Freed Former Slave Boy in South Darfur

Abook taken when she was 5 years old: North Arabs converted her to Islam, changed her name, forced her to do everything around the house, gang raped, freed within the last 24 hrs, constantly insulted, never plate of food for her, given leftovers to eat like a dog, refused female circumcision, has no children.

Leg wound of slave boy - boy was beaten and stabbed

Acatch's wound from a different angle: beaten with bamboo and also stabbed

Group of Recently Freed 24 hrs before TRNS arrived: Group of Recently Freed 24 hrs before TRNS arrived - brought out to field by local cattlemen under a local agreement - local peace agreement signed in 1991 and 92 between Arabs and Dinka on Darfur / South Sudan border - boys did not know they would be freed - many were enslaved for up to 15 years - each in mid to late teens - each slave traded for cow vaccine

Leg wound of recently freed South Darfur slave: Acatch (all name spellings are phonetic) was forced to be Muslim - can understand his own language - had to call his master "Master" or else he would be beaten - beaten when a goat would not return - beaten with Bamboo - does not remember mother's name - often hungry

Red, rusty tint in these boys hair is due to malnutrition - unsure of eye problems - in town we flew in to and landed on dirt field - Gok Machar (phonetic)
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