IEA Leader Nobuo Tanaka and Assistant Secretary Karen Alderman Harbert Review US Energy Policies
Nobuo Tanaka, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), today led a meeting used to provide an in-depth review of US energy policy.
Tanaka, along with Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at the US Department of Energy, Karen Alderman Harbert, forecast how the United States could use energy more efficiently, particularly in the future. Harbert discussed the progress achieved by the Bush Administration regarding energy use and conservation.
Tanaka and Harbert urged that Americans continue to limit carbon dioxide emission in order to continue to improve our energy usage efficiency.
Tanaka maintained that the US is has been relatively successful when it comes to energy usage, but should strive for improvement. Without a conscious effort from American citizens and lawmakers, warned Tanaka and Harbert, the progress made by our nation regarding energy conservation may not be long lasting.
Tanaka, along with Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at the US Department of Energy, Karen Alderman Harbert, forecast how the United States could use energy more efficiently, particularly in the future. Harbert discussed the progress achieved by the Bush Administration regarding energy use and conservation.
Tanaka and Harbert urged that Americans continue to limit carbon dioxide emission in order to continue to improve our energy usage efficiency.
Tanaka maintained that the US is has been relatively successful when it comes to energy usage, but should strive for improvement. Without a conscious effort from American citizens and lawmakers, warned Tanaka and Harbert, the progress made by our nation regarding energy conservation may not be long lasting.
conservation in

Pelosi Paints the Capital Green
To mark Earth Day, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi introduced a plan to paint green the marble columns of the Capitol with energy efficiency and environmental initiatives. She calls it the “Green the Capitol Initiative.”
Pelosi’s plan involves 15 distinct steps to conserve energy and reduce waste, and is aimed specifically at congressional offices. Among Pelosi’s 15 measures are the use of compact florescent light bulbs, recycling used office items, and conserving electricity by powering off lights and computers while not in use. Additionally, Speaker Pelosi is encouraging the use of public transportation and the conservation of basic office supplies.
“The Capitol, which has always served as a beacon of freedom, is now a shining example of sustainability.” Pelosi said. She continued that the House has reduced its carbon emissions by 72 percent recently. She continued that if all Congressional offices adopt this plan, it will result in a savings of $1 million in energy costs and will cut energy consumption in the Capitol by nearly 10 percent.
Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Oreg.), who Pelosi called “the main instigator” of the green plan, believes that Congress is setting a good example for the rest of the country. He said, “If we model the behavior we want the rest of America to follow, it has a profound effect.”
Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) said that one of the first things he did when coming into Congress was institute a recycling program in his offices. He grinned at the savings
“Just during the transition from the 110th to 111th Congress, Congress saved over 60,000 pounds of paper. Lujan joked with the Speaker, “I was going to bring an example of that, but I couldn’t forklift it in, just to give an example of what we’ve truly saved.”
Pelosi called it the moral responsibility of Congress. Her office is encouraging all members to adopt these “green” plans. “I think most members of the Congress are doing some of this,” but she could not give exact numbers on who has implemented all of these recommendations. “The Speakers office is doing all of this,” Pelosi said proudly of the recommendations.