Obama Campaign Responds to Geraldine Ferraro in a Press Conference Call
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky hosted a press conference call to address recent comments made by Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY 9) that “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position … And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.” Campaign representatives criticized the Clinton campaign for failing to distance itself from the comments and denounce such divisive sentiments. They claimed that campaign leadership comes from the very top, and hold Sen. Clinton responsible for accepting this kind of behavior asking “Is she serious about policing the tone of this campaign?” The whole affair was described as a continuation of the kind of detrimental “tear-each-other-down” politics against which they are striving, said Obama surrogates. Calls were also made for Ferraro to be censured and removed from her positions within the Clinton campaign.
tagged black, clinton, democrat, dirty politics, ferraro, obama, primary, race in News/Commentary
Hillary Campaign: Obama Made of Strong Words, Little Action
Penn and Wolfson said that although Obama has proclaimed he is front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, recent polling has gone against his declarations. Clinton’s campaign alleged that Senator Obama is a less worthy candidate to defeat republican candidate John McCain than Clinton is.
To back Senator Clinton, Penn and Wolfson emphasized polls have proven voters have a higher opinion about her economic plans and her chances to succeed as the next Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces than Obama. Also, the Clinton group noted that Hillary is more aggressively fighting for the voters of Florida and Michigan to have their still-being-debated votes counted than Obama.
Obama, said Penn and Wolfson, has made a “pattern of using words” without supporting them through “action.”