Obama Campaign Responds to Geraldine Ferraro in a Press Conference Call
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky hosted a press conference call to address recent comments made by Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY 9) that “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position … And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.” Campaign representatives criticized the Clinton campaign for failing to distance itself from the comments and denounce such divisive sentiments. They claimed that campaign leadership comes from the very top, and hold Sen. Clinton responsible for accepting this kind of behavior asking “Is she serious about policing the tone of this campaign?” The whole affair was described as a continuation of the kind of detrimental “tear-each-other-down” politics against which they are striving, said Obama surrogates. Calls were also made for Ferraro to be censured and removed from her positions within the Clinton campaign.
dirty politics,
race in

Reader Comments (3)
The comment that Geraldine Ferraro made was absolutely right on the mark. The blacks have now become anti white racists. they are voting for Obama just because he is black. The proof is there when he gets almost all of the black votes. And women of all races will vote for a man over a woman. We women have been brainwashed for so many years that we aren't as capable as a man in leading and powerful positions. My so is an OBGYN and he has been asking his patients if they prefer Obama or Clintor and they overwhelmingly say Obama because he is a man. they say they would not vote for a woman because they are too emotional. And most men do not want a woman president. And Obama is getting treated with preference by the press and I am really sick of it. Judy
judy your sickness is the result of your racism. Obma is running as a human being, Hilary has constantly thrown dirt and hidden her hand, If obama doesn't man up and do the same to her, then he will lose because of her injection of racial politics and the scary effect it has on people.
reminds me of weapons of mass destruction.
scares the crap out of you.
I am not racist. But most people are sexists. They will vote for a man of any color over a woman. Also Obama belongs to a church that you have to be black to belong to. How racist is that? And the church is anti American. His pastor preaches anti American right from the pulpit. Obama has belonged to that church for 20 years. I do not go to a church if I do not agree with it's teachings. Obama agrees with the teachings of putting Africa before America or he wouldn't belong to that church. The churches website shows that they have preached anti American for many years and will continue to do so. Wake up Shirley. Just because I do not want a President that will be anti white and anti America and belongs to a church that hates America makes me a loyal American not a racist. Judy