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Entries in Barack Obama (143)


Obama campaign hones in on the economy 

The Obama campaign held a conference call with two of Sen. Barack Obama's congressional Democratic colleagues from Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin and Congressman Rahm Emmanuel, the Chairman of the Democratic Caucus. The two spoke about new ads being released to day by the Obama campaign that highlight the economy as the number one issue in the presidential race.

Durbin spoke about the economic indicators that are down. Citing job loss and the housing crisis Durbin said that Obama's opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is divorced from the reality of American families. Durbin said that McCain has the same "failed policies" of the Bush administration.

Durbin said that the Obama economic plan will bring tax relief to 95 percent of American families who are middle income, "They are the ones who need a helping hand," he said.

Emanuel, referencing recent self deprecating commentd made by McCain said that, "John McCain is right about John McCain." Emmanuel argued that Barack Obama is not a product of the entrenched Washington experience.."There's one authentic agent of change in Washington and that's Barack Obama," he said.

Emmanuel also said that with the McCain/Paline ticket the American people would be getting a two for one deal "George Bush's economic policies and Dick Cheney's foreign policies."

When asked if Obama was being "swiftboated" by a statements made by the Republican vice presidential nominee Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Durbin said that the Democrats have lived through one swiftboat experience and that they're not about to do it again. Emmanuel said that be watching Palin voters will see not only Palin's lack of experience but also "McCain's lack of judgement."

Michelle Obama speaks at the DNC Women's Caucus

A group of high-profile female Democratic politicians gathered to speak at the DNC Women's Caucus. Among these women was Michelle Obama, the wife of Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL). Also in attendence at the caucus was Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), who emphasized Senator John McCain's (R-AZ) negative voting record on issues such as abortion rights and equal pay for women. She stated that he has a "zero-percent voting record in favor of issues important to women." Boxer declared, "[Obama] is a hero, McCain is a zero."

During the caucus, a group of anti-abortion protesters broke into the meeting. Every delegate in attendence stood up and started chanting "Obama."

Congresswomen Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) drew attention to the importance of the female vote in the coming election: DeLauro stated "[women] set the agenda, and [women] make history," referring to the so-called gender gap (in which women are more likely to vote for a Democratic candidate, and influence the election) in the current world of politics .

Mrs. Obama cited the hardships Senator Obama watched his hard-working mother and grandmother endure during his childhood as making him understanding and compassionate about female issues and ideals. She discussed Mr. Obama's legislative plans, such as ending wage discrimination against women and supporting pro-choice legislation.

Obama Appears With Biden

Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama appears as a "surprise guest" with Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Joe Biden at the DNC.


Giuliani blasts Obama for adviser's meeting with Syria

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke on a conference call to discuss recent allegations made against Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) that one of his advisers met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is rumored to sponsor terrorism. Giuliani feels that the lack of disclosure on the part of the Illinois senator shows his inexperience.

Giuliani also said that the adviser offered information to Assad on how to effectively negotiate with the Bush administration, but upon returning to the United States did not disclose this meeting to the public. He concluded by saying that Obama is one of the least experienced presidential candidates in the last 100 years, if not all time. Randy Scheunemann, Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to John McCain, added that Obama's commitment to negotiate with leaders of nations who work with terrorists, as was stated in a debate during the Democratic primaries, also shows Obama's inexperience.

Oil companies have McCain 'over the barrel'

“The reality is that Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) can visit oil rigs and do photo ops all he wants, but it is pretty clear from the policies he is advocating that he is literally over the barrel when it comes to the oil industry,” said former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack. He spoke on a conference call to discuss Senator McCain’s opposition to a bipartisan energy compromise due to its rollback of tax breaks for oil companies.

Vilsack also said that McCain’s opposition to the compromise shows that he has chosen the side of oil companies over the American people, and that he is only open to policies that will help these organizations. Conversely, Vilsack says that Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) plan would roll back these tax breaks and give this money to the middle class in order to assist them with sky-high energy costs.

Vilsack said that by instituting policies that push renewable energy, he was able to create more jobs and stimulate the economy for the state of Iowa, as well as make more money available to schools and other programs. He also challenged McCain’s image as a ‘maverick’ who fights corrupt businesses and said, “I think it’s time for McCain to be accountable for the decisions he is making.”