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Entries in Rudy Giuliani (3)


Giuliani Opposes Trying Terrorists In NY Civil Court 

By Marianna Levyash- Talk Radio News Service

At a phone conference Wednesday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani opposed trying 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other terrorists in civilian courts.

Giuliani said a more appropriate place for their trial would be miiltary tribunals for the terror suspects.

“There are military commissions that have now been confirmed and created by Congress...there is absolutely no reason to try these people in federal court in New York,” stated Giuliani.

The detainees are currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and they would be transferred to a civil court in New York City.

Giuliani also noted that there is “no reason to put people through an intense re-living of what happened with the terrorist.”

Giuliani said that this will be a multi-year process and will continue to create an enormous expense for the city and state government to have these trials.

Giuliani: Ideology Has Overrun Reality For Democrats

By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News Service

"Ideology has overrun reality" when it comes to the Democrats' agenda said former New York city Mayor Rudy Giuliani Wednesday. Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute's discussion on 'Keeping America Competitive, Prosperous, Entrepreneurial, and Enterprising: Why Capitalism Works,' Giuliani said that he was fearful that the Obama administration was producing bad solutions to the economic crisis; solutions which will send America deeper into recession.

"If you think the idea is that government is going to be able to run financial institutions, banks, automotive companies....the entire health care industry, or energy better than private enterprise has been able to do... go look at what government has run." Giuliani said. "The government ran [social security] as a political program rather than an economic program...the political choices overwhelmed the sensible economic choices that had to be made."

Guiliani said that it was important to allow the private sector to fix the economy rather than the government through legislation such as the stimulus.

"It would be a terrible mistake if we allow this to continue, what appears to be an inexorable answer that government can fix this problem. It would defy history, it would defy the facts" he said.

Giuliani stressed that the biggest battles would be over health care and energy, as they would be the hardest to undo.

"We cant undo institutions," Giuliani said. "This is scary stuff."

Giuliani said that he was disappointed that the President has not brought more transparency to Washington as he promised he would.

"The whole argument for this health care bill is an argument for no transparency" he said."If it's so good, if it has such great ideas, whats the rush? Why not let it be examined in the market of free ideas?"

"I am afraid that we are embracing social democracy" Giuliani added. "Everything that has been done so far has taken this recession and extended it."

Giuliani blasts Obama for adviser's meeting with Syria

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke on a conference call to discuss recent allegations made against Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) that one of his advisers met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is rumored to sponsor terrorism. Giuliani feels that the lack of disclosure on the part of the Illinois senator shows his inexperience.

Giuliani also said that the adviser offered information to Assad on how to effectively negotiate with the Bush administration, but upon returning to the United States did not disclose this meeting to the public. He concluded by saying that Obama is one of the least experienced presidential candidates in the last 100 years, if not all time. Randy Scheunemann, Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to John McCain, added that Obama's commitment to negotiate with leaders of nations who work with terrorists, as was stated in a debate during the Democratic primaries, also shows Obama's inexperience.