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« OPINION: Feds Oppose Crackdown | Main | House Approves Debt Deal »

What Groups Are Saying About The Deal

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget:
“It’s certainly a relief that our leaders came to agreement to raise the debt ceiling and were able to get some deficit reduction in the process,” said Maya MacGuineas, President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “But this debate represents a missed opportunity to do something big, something that would truly put our country on a sustainable path.”

The Heritage Foundation:
“The final deal, driven by liberal leaders on Capitol Hill and in the White House, sets up America for the worst possible outcome later this year—both job-killing taxes and safety-risking defense cuts—while entitlement spending goes on and on.”

Americans For Tax Reform (Grover Norquist’s organization):
“Americans for Tax Reform and its Center for Fiscal Accountability urge all Members of the United States House of Representatives to support the Budget Control Act of 2011. This deal to solve the debt limit debate represents a significant step towards lasting spending reform, and avoids a debt crisis without raising taxes.”

Club For Growth:
“The Club for Growth strongly opposes the most recent version of the Budget Control Act of 2011 that was negotiated by the White House and congressional leaders.  The problems with this proposal are many, but fiscal conservatives should have obvious concerns for the lack of guaranteed future spending cuts, no requirement that a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution be sent to the states, a commission that could still recommend job-killing tax increases, and worse of all, two debt limit increases totaling over $2 trillion within only a matter of months. As we’ve said before regarding previous underwhelming debt ceiling bills, this simply doesn’t fix the country’s fiscal problems. We strongly oppose it and we urge a NO vote.”

Americans For Limited Government:
“A deal has been reached on the debt ceiling.  But uncertainty remains. Will taxes increase?  Are the spending cuts actual cuts or just fancy accounting tricks?  Even if the spending cuts are true cuts, under this deal we will still be adding $7 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years.  So why is everyone celebrating this deal?  It leaves the American people short-changed; who in 2010 voted to rein in government at all levels to keep it from spending far more than it takes in. From the looks of this deal there is no solution in sight.”

Progressive Change Campaign Committee:
“This deal will kill our economy and is an attack on middle-class families. It asks nothing of the rich, will reduce middle-class jobs, and lines up Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for cuts. Today, we’re putting in thousands of calls to Congress urging Democrats to keep their promise and oppose this awful bill. The 14th Amendment is unambiguous, and President Obama should invoke it to pay our nation’s debt. Then Democrats should focus on jobs — not cuts — in order to grow our economy.”

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