Demonstrators Infiltrate Fundraiser, Heckle Obama
A handful of demonstrators heckled President Barack Obama during his appearance at a fundraiser in San Francisco Thursday morning.
While the President was giving remarks to a crowd of 200 donors, 10 activists stood from their tables and announced that they had written a song for the President. They proceeded to sing in protest of PFC. Bradley Manning’s ongoing detainment before passing out signs in support of the WikiLeaks suspect.
At one point, the demonstrators sang, “We paid our dues. Where’s our change?”
In response, the President remarked, “that was a nice song” and added “Over the last 2 and a half years, change turned out to be tougher than we expected.”
One protestor was escorted out, two left. The others remained for the rest of the speech, and clapped at the end. They identified themselves with the website
A few dozen activists also demonstrated across the street from the fundraiser with signs that read “Yes We Cannabis” and “Protect Marijuana Patients Rights.”
The fundraiser, held at the St. Regis Hotel, was for the Victory Fund, which benefits both the Obama campaign and the DNC. Some tickets reportedly went for $35,800. Attendees included former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom.
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