Breitbart Endorses Cain/West For GOP Nomination
Conservative muckraker Andrew Breitbart said Thursday that he wants radio host Herman Cain and Freshman Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) on the 2012 GOP ticket.
Speaking at a lecture held at the conseravtive Heritage Foundation, Breitbart argued that rather than nominate Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney, the GOP should run two African-Americans against Barack Obama.
“The only way to defeat political correctness and cultural marxism and multiculturalism is to aim straight at its head,” Breitbart said.
Breitbart said a Cain-West ticket would be more than just a novelty act. He cited Cain’s business experience and West’s military background as factors that would qualify each to serve in higher office. Cain, a conservative talk show host, formed a presidential exploratory committee in January. Though relatively unknown on a national scale, recent Gallup polls revealed a high favorability rating among voters who had heard of him. West, meanwhile, has become a favorite of Tea Partiers, and has pledged to use his seat in Congress to put pressure on senior Republicans to legislate conservatively.
Breitbart, who has become a darling of the conservative movement by blurring the lines of traditional journalism to expose Democrats, used his lecture to discuss the social complexities of being a conservative in a minority community. He accused Democrats and the media of stereotyping conservatives as discriminatory in order to discourage people from joining the GOP.
“We have to defeat the Democrat media complex’s reflexive use of race…as a cudgel to use against conservatives, which intimidates good people for standing up, running for office, becoming media figures because they are fearful of becoming a racist, a sexist or a homophobe,” Breitbart said.
While his first book, “Hollywood, Interrupted,” featured mostly gossip about West Coast celebrities, Breitbart has written a new book, “Righteous Indignation,” which portrays the national media as possessing a strong liberal bias.
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