Gaddafi's Ouster Must Be End Result Of Libyan Conflict, Says Libyan National Rep
By Simone Götesson
Libyan National Council Representative Ali Aujali, who is also the former Libyan ambassador, thanked the United States Monday for its help in Libya thus far, saying its presence in the region is well supported by the Libyan citizens.
“What United States did in the first place, believe me that will change the image of the United States in the middle-East and the arab and the muslim countries. They will say look; the Americans not only go because there are American interests involved, the Americans go because of the American values,” he said.
Aujali stressed that Gaddafi’s ouster be a priority for the international community, a staple that was not included in the United Nations’ resolution permitting military involvement in the country.
“If [Gaddafi] stay behind, not only the Libyans will suffer, but [America] will suffer,” Aujali said. “If he stay behind, believe me that you will see more than you have ever seen. Gaddafi, this man you cannot predict what he’s going to do next, and this is maybe the problem we are facing.”
Aujali also assured the crowd that military training of Libyan rebels is going smoothly saying they “know what they are doing. The Libyans will never exchange Gaddafi’s regime by any fanatic or extremist regime. That would never happen,” he said.
“The Libyans die for freedom, the Libyans die for democracy, the Libyans die for better lives, the Libyans die to make their country a responsible country in the international community,” he said.
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