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OPINION: We're Over-Occupied

America has become over-occupied.

The occupy movement was never just about Wall Street’s excesses. According to them, they can occupy public property, disrupt official meetings, block access to buildings, shut down businesses, and even intimidate holiday shoppers, because they claim that their right to free speech trumps the rights of the rest of us.

You might say they’re 99% wrong about this. Their rights of free speech end when they trample the rights of the rest of us.

They’ve cost cities millions of dollars in police overtime, plus court proceedings. And now, to get them off the city hall lawn, the City of Los Angeles is talking about giving them 10,000 square feet of office space in a shopping mall, for just $1 a year.

The occupy movement—they’re not greedy. They just want freebies for themselves.

From The Heritage Foundation, I’m Ernest Istook.


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