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Activists Gather At The White House, Urge Obama To Shut Down GITMO

By Rachel Christiansen

Orange suits and black hoods filled Lafayette Square Tuesday morning as protesters gathered in front of the White House to express outrage over the continuing operation of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center.

“I’m extremely distressed over the fact that the U.S. is involved in torture, and rendition. It’s just gotta stop. This is not what we’re about as a country,” said Carol Gay, an activist from New Jersey. 

The protest, organized by a coalition of human rights organizations, featured a “prisoner procession” around the square, wherein 173 participants, one for each Guantanamo prisoner, dressed as detainees and marched solemnly.

The activists expressed particular dismay with President Obama’s failure to close the facility over one year ago, a goal he strove for in the early days of his presidency. 

The march begins a 10 day series of protests in D.C., which will including fasting, lobbying and additional demonstrations.

Participants included members from Amnesty International USA, September 11 Families for a Peaceful Tomorrow, Center for Constitutional Rights and Witness Against Torture.

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