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New Alan Grayson Ad Misleading, Concludes Watchdog  

An ad from Florida Democrat Alan Grayson accusing his opponent Daniel Webster of attempting to impose a Taliban-like form of fundamentalist Christianity on women constituents was found to be heavily misleading, according to a prominent political watchdog. says that the ad, which refers to Webster as “Taliban Dan,” edited a video of Webster to make it appear as if he is endorsing a controversial biblical passage.

“Wives submit yourself to your own husband,” Webster says in the ad. “She should submit to me. That’s in the Bible.” determined that the full clip actually features Webster telling a Christian conference to avoid adopting the passage as a personal mantra.

Don’t pick the ones that say, ‘She should submit to me.’ That’s in the Bible, but pick the ones that you’re supposed to do. So instead, ‘love your wife, even as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it’ as opposed to ‘wives submit to your own husbands,” Webster reportedly said.

The ad can be seen here.

This is not the first time Grayson has engaged in explosive rhetoric. He recently accused Webster, who received student and medical deferments, of dodging the draft amid the Vietnam War and during the health care debate, Grayson said the Republican’s health care plan was for Americans to “die quickly.”

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