Watchdog Group Questions Kagan's Qualifications
Robert Hune-Kalter
Talk Radio News Service
Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, held a panel Tuesday with hopes of shedding light on Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena Kagan’s lack of experience.
“Would you pick an imminent jurist with years of experience on the bench, known for fairness and application to the law, perhaps, President Obama did not, he chose someone with zero levels of experience,” said Carrie Severino, Chief Counsel and Policy Director at the Judicial Crisis Network.
According to Judicial Watch, Kagan has had very little experience trying cases in court or spending time as a judge and the group said there is very little known about her policies and consider her to be a “stealth candidate.”
“She freely mixes in her legal analysis, ideology, personal opinions, policy, all as if there is no difference,” said Curt Levey.
The panel hopes the Senate will weigh all options and take all factors into consideration before making a decision.
“Our founding father’s never envisioned the Senate being a rubber stamp for the president,” said Brian Darling, Director of Senate Relations at Heritage Foundation. “That does not mean the Senate should be a rubber stamp for whomever the President sends for confirmation.”
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