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Obama Withholding McChrystal Decision Until After Wednesday's Meeting

President Barack Obama told reporters Tuesday that he will withhold his decision on General Stanley McChrystal's future until after Wednesday's meeting with the Afghan commander.

"The article in which he and his team appeared showed poor judgement," Obama said from the White House cabinet room. "I ... want to make sure I talk to him directly before I make any final decisions."

McChrystal has come under fire for a profile in an upcoming issue of Rolling Stone magazine featuring comments from the General and his aides criticizing members of the Obama administration's security team.

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said during a briefing that the President was visibly angered when shown excerpts from the article.

McChrystal released a statement Tuesday afternoon apologizing for his remarks. Time Magazine's Joe Klein reports that McChrystal has offered the White House his resignation.

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