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Miller Urges Democrats To Elect Pelosi As Minority Leader

Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) said Friday that he is “very encouraged” that outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to run for the position of Minority Leader in the new Congress.

Pelosi announced her decision on Friday via Twitter, citing the need to protect Democratic achievements over the past two years as her main reason for running.

Miller, a close ally of Pelosi’s who impelled her to run shortly after Tuesday’s elections in which Republicans took control of the House, called the 70-year-old lawmaker “the single most effective Member of Congress, period.”

“She has accomplished more than any other Speaker in history and has always acted in the best interest of our country.  She knows full well that job growth is our No. 1 priority and I know that she will stay focused on creating jobs and growing the economy.”

Miller also refuted claims that Pelosi cost her party at the polls.

“She has been attacked and vilified by the right wing because of her effectiveness,” he said. “But we did not lose seats in this last election because the Republicans attacked her in their negative TV ads. We lost seats primarily because of the 9.6 percent unemployment rate and continued record foreclosures caused by the worst recession since the Great Depression.”

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