Poll Shows Majority Of Voters Want More Infrastructure Spending
A poll conducted by Zogby International following last week’s midterm elections found that 56% of those surveyed support more federal spending on infrastructure to create jobs.
The survey of over 2,000 voters revealed that Independents favor more federal spending by a 52-40% margin. Moreover, over a quarter of Republicans who were surveyed agreed that continued infrastructure investments are needed to restore employment.
“While these results from actual midterm voters show that this was a more conservative electorate, Republicans should not treat this election as a mandate to simply cut all federal spending,” said Pollster John Zogby. “They should be ready to work with Democrats on infrastructure spending that creates jobs. They will also be making a big political mistake if they pursue investigations into the Obama Administration.”
Some other key findings from the poll:
Only 37% of voters said Congress should extend unemployment benefits longer than the current 20-month window. 63% sided against increased federal aid to states in order to keep them from going bankrupt. Meanwhile, 47% said they would oppose an across the board spending freeze for any reason.
53% of respondents agreed that extending the Bush era tax cuts for all taxpayers, including those making more than $250,000 per year, would stimulate the nation’s struggling economy.
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