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GOP Women Promote Republican Health Plan, Rail Against Obamacare

By Mariko Lamb - Talk Radio News Service

GOP Congresswomen and small business owners joined together Friday to voice alarm about the dire consequences of Congress passing the current health care reform bill.

“The Democrat way is not reforming healthcare, it’s destroying it,” said Rep. Michelle Bachman (R-Minn.).

“We are very concerned about the way it jeopardizes the doctor-patient relationship, we’re concerned about the additional debt, the trillions in spending that will add to the children and grandchildren that come after us, but worst of all, it’s going to further hurt our small business owners at a time when our economy is in trouble,” said Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R-Wash.).

“President Obama’s prescription for healthcare reform for our nation is the wrong prescription for American families. We do not believe that we should put a federal bureaucrat between the patient and the doctor,” said Rep. Mary Fallin (R-Okla.).

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said Republicans have a plan that addresses costs, access, and insurance company accountability, but her Democratic counterparts will not listen. “We have been pushing forward our ideas, pushing forward our plans. It is unfortunate that the Democrat-led House is not wanting to make this a bipartisan goal of doing healthcare right,” she said.

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) disputed President Obama’s claim that 47 million Americans lack healthcare. “There are no Americans who don’t have healthcare. Everybody in this country has access to healthcare,” she said. “We do have about 7.5 million Americans who want to purchase health insurance who can not afford it,” she said, urging Congress to adopt a new plan for health care reform that won’t “destroy what is good about healthcare in this country” and “give the government control of our lives.”

Reader Comments (10)

[...] push for health insurance reform. “The Democrat way is not reforming healthcare, it’s destroying it,” announced Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Perhaps the most attention-grabbing moment occurred [...]

So there are no Americans who dont have health care, as long as there are emergency rooms i suppose this maybe correct, although people may go bankrupt after they get the bill. Rep Foxx says they have a plan but I dont see it here, their only plan is no plan. They dont want to rock the lobbyist money boat.

July 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTerry Hunt

Did anyone ask these women whether they're concerned about the doctor-patient relationship when it comes to women's reproductive rights? Did anyone bother to inform Michele Bachmann that there is no such thing as the "Democrat Party?"

July 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKarl

[...] Obama’s push for health insurance reform. “The Democrat way is not reforming healthcare, it’s destroying it,” announced Rep. Michele Bachmann [...]

So there are no Americans who dont have health care, as long as there are emergency rooms ....

Which is why I have no doubt that Representative Foxx will put her money where her stupid, lying mouth is and propose an immediate ending of Congress' tax payer health plan, so they can all be put on the ER-plan.
I'll just hold my breath over here. If somebody could let me know when I can breathe again, that'd be swell. *falls over*

July 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterharsens-rob

[...] push for health insurance reform. “The Democrat way is not reforming healthcare, it’s destroying it,” announced Rep. Michele Bachmann [...]

What actually matters is that for 17 years health care reform has been debated. It has been rehashed, diced and sliced and stored in innumerable containers. The actual deal coming down is not new, it is not unknown, nor in any way in need of more time. This arguing for slowing down, that it is destroying American free enterprise to have the government step in, that the debt is outrageous, is all the same old arguing. It wont change anything until something is changed. That change is that a bill of some proportion to the problem has to pass and make an attempt to reform the spiral of unsustainable health care cost in America. 16% of national GDP is huge, and it's on the way to 22% in short order. How is this cost sustainable by the purchase of private premiums? It's not, and that means that full range health care is for those who can afford the extras, and the rest will do with what they can get.

By that I mean those many who die from their lack of ability to pay, will just have to accept their death sentence handed to them by this congress as so many have been handed before.

I have a friend who has one of the forms of colon cancer, and his insurance denied coverage for that disease. Why? You explain why he must die? He's fought very hard to be employed and has been for six years. But, it took the company four years to make him full time, and then another to actual sign him to the health plan. Then what? He was diagnosed just as he got the plan. So, the plan thinks it's pre-existing? What is all this insanity about?


Your money, right? It's always about your money. You can't have the parasites get your money. There are too many parasites. But, that logic isn't explained other than as an emotional basis. That makes it illogical to the facts and the purpose of reform. What is needed is a very loud uproar response by every American who is tired of the impulsive missives of wing-nuts, such as Michele Bachmann and Virginia Foxx. Two women so out of touch with reality that they truly need to be reformed.



July 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRick

The first problem with your arguement against health care reform is to quote Michelle Bachman, the woman is certifiable and plays only to the fringe elements of the Republican party ! If the Republican party is to become viable we need to jetison the loonies and uber-Christian fanatics. Secondly, you claim that the Republican party has an alternative plan, well, where is it? The house health care reform bill included over 160 Republican compromises, however, we can not compromise on the basic premise that all Americans`should have affordable gealthcare available and the insurance industry needs severe reform and regulation. The overall question to those that oppose this reform should be - What will you do if you lose your job and insurance benefits, how will you cope with a medical emergancy?

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCoyoteChuck

Anyone who thinks the government is going to fix (or even improve) our supposed health care problem is ignorant. For example, Medicare (bankrupt), why are we insuring the wealthiest segment of our society? Social Security (also bankrupt). The VA is government run health care (not working out too good from what I've heard). Congress forced the HMOs on us as the answer to a system which used to work just fine. What makes anyone think the government can do anything about it now? What Congress should be working on is tax credits for health savings accounts and Tort reform (but they're all lawyers, so you can kiss that goodbye). We need a method whereby people can choose to deal directly with health care professionals, bypassing insurance companies and HMOs (whether they be public or private). No amount of money will be enough for a government "option" to be effective. And once the law is passed, it NEVER goes away (see failed programs above, and that's just for starters).

August 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Why are the Republicnas against Health care reform ignoring the 2 government run health programs in place for decades,namely Medicare and Medicaid? If government run health care is so abhorent then I suggest Congress members and all military should give up their government run health care programs immediately.While you try your damnest to stop health care reform, real people are dying waiting for medical care. Why should you care ? Because someone you know or love may not get medical care in time to save their life due to the barriers in place now. Simply put if you lose your job and cannot afford COBRA,or your income is too high to be eligible for Medicaid and too low to afford a indivudual policy (working poor) or your employer does not provide health insurance coverage because small business are choking on the premiums they are charged by health plans,or you are just too sick and frail to fight for the right to access to health care.
I'M a RN who has worked on the front lines of health care for over thirty years, I understand all too well how difficult it is to navigate through the health care system as it stands now.
Please stop the negative insults to the people who are really trying to get a decent health care program in place. We deserve it!

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkonkel

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