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OK Everybody, Back In The Pool.

Coffee Brown, MD, University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News

Atypical Flu Update 05/06/09
Today’s numbers: 642 cases in 41 states. There are now 2 deaths
reported with one being wholly American. Whereas the first was a
Mexican child who contracted the disease in Mexico, the second, per
WebMD, had no reported connection with Mexico other than living near
the border in Texas. She was young, but had other conditions’
“co-morbidities,” including recent childbirth, obesity, and recent
pneumonia. Counting her as the as the only native fatality so far, the
mortality rate in the U.S. is 0.1 percent.
Worldwide, there 1516 confirmed cases in 22 countries, with 29 deaths
in Mexico out of 822 confirmed cases (3.5 percent mortality), and no
deaths so far reported outside of Mexico and the U.S.
The World Health Organization is still not recommending travel
restrictions, except to advise people who feel ill to stay home.
WHO alert status remains at stage 5. Clusters of cases do not seem to
be occurring yet, which may mean that the virus weakens with time.
Nevertheless, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention remind us
that we have weeks of this contagion to go yet.
The overall severity of this flu outside of Mexico is “mild to
moderate” per the CDC.
Per Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, “School
closing has gotten a lot of attention. There's a balance with the
importance of making sure our children go to school every day. The
virus transmits very quickly child to child, the end result has been a
more mild version of the disease than was originally feared and the
lethality seems at a much less significant level”
The current guidelines are to keep schools open, even if some students
get the flu, as would be done during any normal flu season, she says,
though that makes it even more important to keep symptomatic children
“So we're urging parents to take steps if your child is sick, please
do not send your child to school. If a teacher is sick, please don't
come to school,” sebelius said.
And home means home. “And parents, don't turn around and keep your
child home from school and send him or her to the mall. This is really
about staying home,” Sebelius added.
The recommended period of “grounding” is seven days, even if symptoms
resolve, because that is how long sufferers may remain contagious.
So, did the CDC, WHO and media over-react? This flu is looking less
scary by the day, but it started with a significant number of
fatalities, and it was clearly a very different strain than had been
seen before. While we may start to feel some relief at this point,
these things can change quickly. Washing our hands, avoiding others
when we have symptoms, and insisting on common courtesy (Hey, cover
your mouth when you cough), may help reduce the 35,000 deaths per
year, and billions of dollars in lost productivity we have come to
think of as “normal.”

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