Sen Jim DeMint's "Union Bosses" Game
As soon as the Senate returns from its break, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reader will schedule a formal roll call vote on the nomination of Errol Southers to be Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration. Southers is former assistant chief of the Los Angeles Airport Police, and a former FBI agent. His confirmation hearings concluded this month, and his confirmation is considered highly likely.
Why is Reid holding this vote? It's an unusual move. It's because Sen. Jim DeMint put a hold on the nomination because he is concerned about unionization at the TSA. During his confirmation hearings, Southers wouldn't say whether he would support or oppose unionization efforts until he was "confirmed, in place and hearing from stakeholders about the issue."
That's not good enough for DeMint, whose spokesman Wesley Denton says: "This is an important debate because many Americans don't want someone running the TSA who stands ready to give union bosses the power to veto or delay future security measures at our airports."
DeMint through his spokesman makes it sound as though Southers has already made up his mind to support unionization, which is not what Southers said. However, the real meat here is in the phrase "union bosses," a classic derogatory term for union leaders. Further, the suggestion is that these "bosses" would veto or delay future security measures at our airports. Why exactly would they do that? Because they're unamerican, likely scary socialists and possibly craven communists? Why else would they deliberately endanger their own country?
DeMint now blames Reid for not allowing a debate on the nomination before adjourning, and still won't lift his hold.
Why do TSA workers want to unionize? Arbitrary work rules, a high rate of workplace injuries, high turnover rates, unfair promotion and scheduling policies, low morale and inadequate pay, for starters. I don't know about you, but I want the 40,000 people at the x-ray machines and everywhere else to be at least minimally content in their jobs.
It's interesting that Immigration and Custom Service employees and Federal Border Guards are unionized, but in 2003 President Bush decided it would threaten national security to allow the TSA to unionize. Don't the Federal Border Guards have something to do with national security?
DeMint is holding up Errol Southers because he can, also because he wants to defeat President Obama any time he can (remember Waterloo), and because he hates unions. The fact that the nation's national security got caught in the middle was apparently of little concern to him. Perhaps he didn't expect an attack on Christmas Day. Not many people did.
Why is Reid holding this vote? It's an unusual move. It's because Sen. Jim DeMint put a hold on the nomination because he is concerned about unionization at the TSA. During his confirmation hearings, Southers wouldn't say whether he would support or oppose unionization efforts until he was "confirmed, in place and hearing from stakeholders about the issue."
That's not good enough for DeMint, whose spokesman Wesley Denton says: "This is an important debate because many Americans don't want someone running the TSA who stands ready to give union bosses the power to veto or delay future security measures at our airports."
DeMint through his spokesman makes it sound as though Southers has already made up his mind to support unionization, which is not what Southers said. However, the real meat here is in the phrase "union bosses," a classic derogatory term for union leaders. Further, the suggestion is that these "bosses" would veto or delay future security measures at our airports. Why exactly would they do that? Because they're unamerican, likely scary socialists and possibly craven communists? Why else would they deliberately endanger their own country?
DeMint now blames Reid for not allowing a debate on the nomination before adjourning, and still won't lift his hold.
Why do TSA workers want to unionize? Arbitrary work rules, a high rate of workplace injuries, high turnover rates, unfair promotion and scheduling policies, low morale and inadequate pay, for starters. I don't know about you, but I want the 40,000 people at the x-ray machines and everywhere else to be at least minimally content in their jobs.
It's interesting that Immigration and Custom Service employees and Federal Border Guards are unionized, but in 2003 President Bush decided it would threaten national security to allow the TSA to unionize. Don't the Federal Border Guards have something to do with national security?
DeMint is holding up Errol Southers because he can, also because he wants to defeat President Obama any time he can (remember Waterloo), and because he hates unions. The fact that the nation's national security got caught in the middle was apparently of little concern to him. Perhaps he didn't expect an attack on Christmas Day. Not many people did.
JIm DeMint,
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Reader Comments (5)
That union thing has worked out well for Detroit, hasn't it.
Federal laws that require union to "go the mat" for any employee dismissed/disciplined or risk law suits need to be changed.
In the 80s I worked with a lot of union workers on the docks ,they paid there dues with no complain and was always protected from the companies who try to rape them. Union busting came about when the Repubs came into power, from reagan to the bushes. repubs are for big companies,not for the common workers so they started the lie about how unions are bad and many fools cut off their nose to spite their face by believing the lies. when there is no one to protect the workers the companies become a dog with 12 penises. no wonder demint is afraid of unions,when we the common workers get protection they loose.
UNIONS MUST RISE AGAIN !!and I will always be for unions.
"Union Bosses", I happen to be a single mother of 3 daughters, have worked for 29 years at a major corporation. I happen to be a Local Union President.........How dare anyone accuse me of being unamerican, socialist or communist. I am far from that. Come on people get real.
Having been a union worker, e board member and one of those hated organizers. The moment I read or hear a elected person start talking about Union Bosses and all that. Well I have to think this is one of the dumbest S.O.B.'S I have ever heard of. Because it is really apparent that they have never, never WORKED in their life. If they had they would know beound a doubt how bad it can be to work in a non union shop.
Steve E.