Rep. Alan Grayson Blasts Afghanistan Strategy As 'Fundamentally Wrong'
By Laura Smith - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) decried the Afghanistan strategy being currently pursued by the Obama administration as “fundamentally wrong” during a press conference Tuesday.
"[The strategy is] based on the premise that our country knows what’s best for other people, it’s based upon the premise that we have to send troops to the other side of the world because that’s the only way to protect ourselves. Those propositions are simply wrong," said Grayson.
Grayson made his statement moments after taking the House floor to urge his fellow Congressmen to oppose troop escalations.
Grayson cast the notion of sending 100,000 servicemen and women 8,000 miles away to protect the U.S. as absurd.
“Why don’t we protect our borders? Why don’t we work with other countries to try to crack down on the terrorists that the bedevil us all. Why is it that we have to occupy another country? This is an 18th century strategy being employed against a 14th century enemy,” said Grayson.
Grayson added that the war is costing too much, in both money and in lives.
“There’s too much blood being shed in Afghanistan, there’s too much blood being shed in Iraq," said Grayson. "There are simply better ways of accomplishing the same goals."
Grayson argued that both the Taliban and al-Qaeda are no longer a threat in Afghanistan, explaining that the Taliban government was kicked out of Kabul within two months after 9/11, and that within an additional month, al-Qaeda was similarly expelled.
The Florida Democrat invoked the ongoing debate over health care reform and said the amount of money being spent in Afghanistan is comparable to the money required to overhaul the U.S. health care system.
“Isn’t it more important to make sure that 47 million Americans can go to see a doctor when they need to than it is to send our young men and women across an ocean or across a continent to fight who knows what?” Grayson asked.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) decried the Afghanistan strategy being currently pursued by the Obama administration as “fundamentally wrong” during a press conference Tuesday.
"[The strategy is] based on the premise that our country knows what’s best for other people, it’s based upon the premise that we have to send troops to the other side of the world because that’s the only way to protect ourselves. Those propositions are simply wrong," said Grayson.
Grayson made his statement moments after taking the House floor to urge his fellow Congressmen to oppose troop escalations.
Grayson cast the notion of sending 100,000 servicemen and women 8,000 miles away to protect the U.S. as absurd.
“Why don’t we protect our borders? Why don’t we work with other countries to try to crack down on the terrorists that the bedevil us all. Why is it that we have to occupy another country? This is an 18th century strategy being employed against a 14th century enemy,” said Grayson.
Grayson added that the war is costing too much, in both money and in lives.
“There’s too much blood being shed in Afghanistan, there’s too much blood being shed in Iraq," said Grayson. "There are simply better ways of accomplishing the same goals."
Grayson argued that both the Taliban and al-Qaeda are no longer a threat in Afghanistan, explaining that the Taliban government was kicked out of Kabul within two months after 9/11, and that within an additional month, al-Qaeda was similarly expelled.
The Florida Democrat invoked the ongoing debate over health care reform and said the amount of money being spent in Afghanistan is comparable to the money required to overhaul the U.S. health care system.
“Isn’t it more important to make sure that 47 million Americans can go to see a doctor when they need to than it is to send our young men and women across an ocean or across a continent to fight who knows what?” Grayson asked.
Laura Smith,
troops in

Reader Comments (1)
If we think Afghanistan is a blood-bath, wait until elections roll around in 2010 and 2012. Perhaps there is a 'secret' event about to unfold at the end.........however, as it stands I think real Reform is dead! Even those I admired for making a stand are heralding this farce being pushed upon the people. THEY won.......the Insurers I work for......ARE WINNERS. Shame on the Party--shame on having won ths seats we won last time around.
Prepare for the 2010/2012 blood-bath and be ready to jump ship and be part of a new third party made up of powerhouses such as yourself, perhaps (Jury still out) and whomever does not belong to Big Pharma, Insurers, and The Military Industrial Complex.
I'm going to work my backside off to unseat all Democrats that fought against real reform.
I will never again vote for any of those traitors. The party will take a sound beating in 2010 and in 2012? Probably lose the presidency unless some truly unusual events occur. And for this I dumped the GOP in 2000? After 50 years I should have become an independent. BTW, I have taken myself off DNC lists and refuse their calls. NO CASH, NO EAR, NO NUTTIN' for them! I wish you well and look forward to your real patriotism and continued fight on behalf of America. Joe Castronovo, South Florida