Conference call discusses the economy and young Americans
A conference call featuring Tamara Draut, director of the Economic Opportunity Program at Demos and David Madland, director of the Center for American Progress today addressed “The Economic State of Young America.”
Draut and Madland discussed the many ways that the current state of the American economy effects young Americans. Draut noted that the job market now basically demands incoming workers attain college degrees, which proves to be costly for many unable to afford the substantial cost college tuition amounts to. Also, Draut said that because college loans are increasing and that those with lower incomes have to take out more money to go to school, many find themselves even further in debt upon graduation.
Madland discussed the “generational effect” (how different generations have different viewpoints) and how such viewpoints have led to younger people being more supportive of reforms such as universal healthcare.
Generation X,
young America in

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