White House Gaggle
Briefer: Dana Perino
President’s Schedule
President Bush had his normal briefings at 8 am this morning. At 10.50 am, he will participate in a small foreign print media round table and later also meet with foreign television media. At 11.40 am the President has an interview with Mark Knoller and Peter Maer of CBS News.
There is an update in the schedule for the afternoon where the President was supposed to introduce Mrs. Bush at the Preserve America Presidential awards ceremony, but she is now on her own, as the President will prepare for the Middle East trip.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino will brief the press at 1 pm today.
Tornados: Yesterday, the President called up the governors in Oklahoma, Missouri and Georgia. The President offered his condolences and told them that the federal government is ready to assist. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Federal Emergency Management Agency chief David Paulison are expected to travel to the effected regions tomorrow.
Earthquake in China: It is still very early to assess the extent of the damage. The President expressed his condolences to the injured and families of the victims of the earthquake.
Burma: One flight, a C-130 has gotten permission to land with emergency supplies. They have two more flights scheduled for tomorrow and then they will go one day at a time. Perino said that they hope that this is just the beginning of the much needed assistance. In addition to that, the US is prepared to provide more money allocated through the United Nations World Food program and Perino will get back with the exact numbers.
Today the President also announced an honorary delegation to attend celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Israel’s statehood, May 14-15, in Jerusalem. The delegation consists of a diverse group of American leaders from the public, business, religious, civic and academia and media sectors.
Farm Bill
Perino was questioned about the willingness of negotiations of the President in terms of not vetoing the bill even if he does not get what he wants; and she said that there is entirely too much spending involved and it also does not contain the much needed reform that the President wanted. Perino referred to a fact sheet that was issued on Friday which explains why they cannot support the bill. “We will see what the vote count is,” she said. If the bill passes, the President will veto, and on the questions of enough votes to override a veto, Perino referred to the whip officers. “It will be up to them what kind of a statement they want to send to the American people on this time of reform, with record farm incomes and an opportunity to put in place a much needed reform that we have been calling on for years, “ Perino said.
Perino was asked how concerned the White House is about the government giving in to the demands to Hezbollah, and she replied that their concern is with the safely of the innocent civilians who were caught in the middle of this conflict. “We believe that the Lebanese deserve to have the democracy that they asked for, that they voted for…” Perino said.
Cease Fire in Sadr City, Iraq
When asked for a White House reaction to the cease fire in Sadr City in Iraq, Perino said that, “We want to see the end to the violence, that would be good. We are please by the pro-active steps that are taken… It is a little bit of a fluid situation that we need to see how it progresses and we are keeping an eye on it”
Perino was asked about if there has been a delay in the presidential calls between President Bush and the new Russian President Medvedev, and she replied that she will have more info later today.
N. Korea
Perino referred to the State Department for an update regarding the document handed over by North Korea including who will be reviewing them.
President’s Schedule
President Bush had his normal briefings at 8 am this morning. At 10.50 am, he will participate in a small foreign print media round table and later also meet with foreign television media. At 11.40 am the President has an interview with Mark Knoller and Peter Maer of CBS News.
There is an update in the schedule for the afternoon where the President was supposed to introduce Mrs. Bush at the Preserve America Presidential awards ceremony, but she is now on her own, as the President will prepare for the Middle East trip.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino will brief the press at 1 pm today.
Tornados: Yesterday, the President called up the governors in Oklahoma, Missouri and Georgia. The President offered his condolences and told them that the federal government is ready to assist. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Federal Emergency Management Agency chief David Paulison are expected to travel to the effected regions tomorrow.
Earthquake in China: It is still very early to assess the extent of the damage. The President expressed his condolences to the injured and families of the victims of the earthquake.
Burma: One flight, a C-130 has gotten permission to land with emergency supplies. They have two more flights scheduled for tomorrow and then they will go one day at a time. Perino said that they hope that this is just the beginning of the much needed assistance. In addition to that, the US is prepared to provide more money allocated through the United Nations World Food program and Perino will get back with the exact numbers.
Today the President also announced an honorary delegation to attend celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Israel’s statehood, May 14-15, in Jerusalem. The delegation consists of a diverse group of American leaders from the public, business, religious, civic and academia and media sectors.
Farm Bill
Perino was questioned about the willingness of negotiations of the President in terms of not vetoing the bill even if he does not get what he wants; and she said that there is entirely too much spending involved and it also does not contain the much needed reform that the President wanted. Perino referred to a fact sheet that was issued on Friday which explains why they cannot support the bill. “We will see what the vote count is,” she said. If the bill passes, the President will veto, and on the questions of enough votes to override a veto, Perino referred to the whip officers. “It will be up to them what kind of a statement they want to send to the American people on this time of reform, with record farm incomes and an opportunity to put in place a much needed reform that we have been calling on for years, “ Perino said.
Perino was asked how concerned the White House is about the government giving in to the demands to Hezbollah, and she replied that their concern is with the safely of the innocent civilians who were caught in the middle of this conflict. “We believe that the Lebanese deserve to have the democracy that they asked for, that they voted for…” Perino said.
Cease Fire in Sadr City, Iraq
When asked for a White House reaction to the cease fire in Sadr City in Iraq, Perino said that, “We want to see the end to the violence, that would be good. We are please by the pro-active steps that are taken… It is a little bit of a fluid situation that we need to see how it progresses and we are keeping an eye on it”
Perino was asked about if there has been a delay in the presidential calls between President Bush and the new Russian President Medvedev, and she replied that she will have more info later today.
N. Korea
Perino referred to the State Department for an update regarding the document handed over by North Korea including who will be reviewing them.
Russia. N. Korea,
Sadr City,
farm bill,
tornado in

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