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From Iraq: AQI virtually defeated in the Kirkuk province

We're targeting insurgents now with a "scalpel instead of a sledgehammer," said Army Colonel David Paschal, commander of the 1st Brigade, during a live briefing from Iraq at the Pentagon. He reported that in his area, Kirkuk, they have killed or captured twenty of their highest listed targets, and detained or captured 63 "persons of interest." AQI was the original target in the area, he said, but they have virtually defeated them in the area (the Kirkuk province), and they are now focused on local extremist groups.

In the Kirkuk area, there has been a 70 percent reduction in enemy activity, due to precision targeting, growing capability of the Iraq security force, concern from the locals, and the work of the Provincial Reconstruction team. A highlight, Paschal said, is that 400 former Sons of Iraq just completed an eight week program, and will be graduating as policemen.

The decline of enemy activity and a greater feeling of security has grown the trust of the local people and they are more likely to reject terrorism. It is apparent that young men simply want to work so that they can support their families. Working with the Iraq government, they have implemented a training program for them to learn a trade, a skill, and be gainfully employed. In addition, they are working with the government to have a comprehensive literacy training program.

Paschal said they are hoping to have the area under Iraqi control by November or December of this year, but that is dependent upon the capability of the Iraq security forces. As insurgents are increasingly removed, their replacements are not quite as "savvy" and therefore they are easier to catch. Also, the locals are turning them in because they don't want the area to return to the way that it was.

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