Today at Talk Radio News
This morning the Washington Bureau will be attending a Middle East Policy Council discussion on "Hamas and the Two-State Solution: Villain, Victim, or Missing Ingredient?” and a briefing entitled "Trade Offs: Why the Colombia Free Trade Agreement Should Pass Regardless of Trade Adjustment Assistance." Also, a discussion on "The Global Warming Debate: Climate Change Policy or Carbon Cartel Building," with Alexandra Bourne, vice president for policy and strategy at the Heartland Institute, will be covered.
This afternoon, the Washington Bureau will be covering the grand-opening of the Newseum, featuring appearances by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. John Lewis, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
This afternoon, the Washington Bureau will be covering the grand-opening of the Newseum, featuring appearances by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. John Lewis, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
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