McCain campaign criticizes Washington Post article that claim's McCain is supported by al-Qaida
Advisers from the McCain-Palin campaign held a conference call to criticize an article in the Washington Post that claims that al-Qaida supports John McCain's election bid.
The article, entitled "On Al-Qaeda Web Sites, Joy Over U.S. Crisis, Support for McCain," cites a post by a blogger associated with al-Qaida that says that McCain will likely continue the foreign policy of President Bush, and suggests that al-Qaida should support McCain.
Senior Foreign Policy Adviser Randy Scheunemann railed on the Post for writing an article with such a damning headline, and pointed out that the only extremist that is cited in the article is not a leading member of al-Qaida and should not be considered a spokesman for the entire terrorist organization.
The article, entitled "On Al-Qaeda Web Sites, Joy Over U.S. Crisis, Support for McCain," cites a post by a blogger associated with al-Qaida that says that McCain will likely continue the foreign policy of President Bush, and suggests that al-Qaida should support McCain.
Senior Foreign Policy Adviser Randy Scheunemann railed on the Post for writing an article with such a damning headline, and pointed out that the only extremist that is cited in the article is not a leading member of al-Qaida and should not be considered a spokesman for the entire terrorist organization.
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Election '08

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