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White House Gaggle

By Gregory Gorman
October 19, 2005

President's Schedule

President Bush had his usual intelligence briefings this morning and a hurricane briefing on Hurricane Wilma. He also participated in a National Security Council meeting on Iraq and a meeting to discuss avian flu. This morning at 11:10am, President Bush will meet with the Secretary of Education in the Oval Office to discuss the latest state-by-state results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or the so-called "nation's report card". The NAEP report will be released this morning and according to Press Secretary Scott McClellan, the results will show local and state officials where to focus their efforts for continuing to improve educational measures across the country. This afternoon, the president will have lunch with Bono in the White House Residence as a follow-up to their meeting at the G8 Summit in Scotland over the summer. They will discuss AIDS prevention, combating Malaria and how to lift people out of poverty. Later this afternoon, the president will meet with House and Senate Republican leaders to discuss the remaining legislative priorities for this session of Congress, including the budget, spending offsets for the response and recovery for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the president's Supreme Court nominee and the Patriot Act. Following his meeting with members of Congress, the president will meet with the Financial Services Forum to discuss economic issues.

Hurricane Wilma

Press Secretary Scott McClellan said that the White House is urging residents of Florida and the Gulf Coast region to listen closely to state and local officials and follow their advice on Hurricane Wilma. Wilma is now a Category 5 storm.

Harriet Miers Nomination

McClellan mentioned that the president's Supreme Court nominee has now met with 20 Senators as part of her courtesy visits to Congress. Miers will meet with one additional Senator today bringing her current total to 21. When asked if the president was aware of Miers' 1989 comments that she would be willing to support a legislative ban on abortions except when the life of the mother is in danger, McClellan responded that he put out a statement yesterday regarding the president's knowledge of Miers' stand on abortions.

President Bush's Anger at Karl Rove

In response to a question about a story in the "New York Daily News" which reported that the president was angry with Karl Rove in 2003 over his role in the leaking of Valerie Plame's name as a CIA operative, McClellan would only say that he would not comment on an ongoing investigation. McClellan went on to say that he challenges the overall accuracy of the story. When pressed on giving an answer to why he challenges the accuracy of the story, McClellan answered again that he would not comment on an ongoing investigation.

Saddam Hussein Trial

McClellan announced that President Bush is being updated on the trial of Saddam Hussein but that he has not seen any of the trial. McClellan stated, "Saddam Hussein is facing Iraqi justice. The Iraqi people will hold him accountable for the brutality of his regime and his crimes against humanity. This is another important step in building a new and democratic Iraq built on the rule of law . . . We hope this trial will bring some closure to the Iraqi people. Many Iraqis suffered under the former regime". When asked if the White House is endorsing the fairness of the trial, McClellan responded that the Iraqi tribunal is modeled on international law and basic standards of international law. He also stated that the prosecutors and judges involved in the trial have all been trained in the same basic standards of international law.

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