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White House Gaggle

By Lovisa Frost
White House Gaggle
October 18, 2005

President's schedule

The President has his usual intelligence briefings and he also had a hurricane briefing with updates on the latest recovery building efforts from Katrina, as well as tropical storm Wilma.

President Bush is meeting with the Quartet's (European Union, United Nations, Russia and the United States) special envoy for Gaza disengagement Jim Wolfensen, to get updates on the progress made in Gaza, following Prime Minister Sharon's disengagement.
Later this morning, the President will welcome José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, to the White House. This meeting will provide an opportunity to talk about how to continue strengthening Trans-Atlantic relations and "work together to advance freedom in the broader Middle East and other parts of the world".
This afternoon the President will sign the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2006. In his remarks the President will highlight what this legislation does to help continue strengthen our immigration enforcement and border security.

Harriet Miers

When asked if the President is troubled by the lack of support endorsing Miers that was evident in the Roberts hearing, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan answered, "There are a number of groups of people that have come out to endorse her confirmation. What is happening now is that Harriet Miers is moving ahead with the confirmation process. She continues to have courtesy visits with members of the Senate and has another two meetings scheduled for today. Miers has completed the questionnaire and returned it to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and this will give them an opportunity to see her qualifications of her experience and a little bit her judicial philosophy." McClellan reiterated that she looks forward to going before the Committee to answer their questions. "Members of the Senate are waiting to learn more about her before they make their decision. This is just like it was when Chief Justice Roberts were going through the confirmation process."
McClellan said that Senator Arlen Specter has indicated that the hearings will begin early November. At this time Miers will talk in more detail about her experience, philosophy and her view. "That's what the hearing is for."

Tax Breaks

McClellan was asked about concern on Capitol Hill regarding tax breaks that the White House has supported casino and gambling activities in the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. Scott said that he would look into it but, "It's just a matter of treating all businesses the same in that coastal region".

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