Casey: Unemployed Veterans Need Legislative Action
Sen. Bob Casey urged the Senate to pass the Vow to Hire Heroes Act to help put veterans back to work during a conference call with reporters Wednesday. (0:16)
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Sen. Bob Casey urged the Senate to pass the Vow to Hire Heroes Act to help put veterans back to work during a conference call with reporters Wednesday. (0:16)
Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) touts veterans’ skills and their value to employers as he promoted the Vow to Hire Heroes Act during a conference call with reporters Wednesday. (0:32)
During a press conference in the Rose Garden Monday, President Obama said that he will do everything in his power to provide veterans with the same opportunities they defend, noting that the U.S. cannot wait for Congress to act. (0:21)
During a press conference in the Rose Garden Monday, President Obama called for Congress to put aside political differences and fulfill their obligation to veterans. (0:14)
During a press conference in the Rose Garden Monday, President Obama called on Congress to “stand up” for veterans and vote on legislation giving tax breaks to businesses that hire veterans. (0:39)
President Obama announces three initiatives to help returning veterans find work, including several online resources that will help them search for jobs and reach out to employers. (0:43)
During a press conference in the Rose Garden Monday, President Obama characterized high unemployment rates among veterans as unacceptable. (0:17)
Aneesh Chopra, U.S. chief technology officer, explains that the Veterans Job Bank - an online job search tool in collaboration with Google, Bing and Yahoo - will be a part of the President’s initiatives to put veterans back to work. (0:12)