Pawlenty: America Has Moral Clarity To Lead The World
In an address at the Council on Foreign Relations, Republican Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty says America needs to be more proactive in its foreign policy objectives. (00:25)

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In an address at the Council on Foreign Relations, Republican Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty says America needs to be more proactive in its foreign policy objectives. (00:25)
In an address at the Council on Foreign Relations, GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty rejects President Obama’s current Middle East Policy and criticizes his relationship with Israel. (00:32)
In an address at the Council on Foreign Relations, GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty says the toppling of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad would hasten the fall of the Iranian regime. (00:29)
In an address at the Council on Foreign Relations, GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty says the Obama administration needs to commit more military strength to removing Gaddafi and recognize the rebel backed Transitional National Council (TNC) as Libya’s legitimate government. (00:23)