Saudi Prince: Arab Spring Meant Arab Trouble
While addressing an audience at the National Press Club on Tuesday, Saudi Arabian Prince Turki Al Faisal renames the “Arab Spring” as “Arab Troubles” (00:04).

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While addressing an audience at the National Press Club on Tuesday, Saudi Arabian Prince Turki Al Faisal renames the “Arab Spring” as “Arab Troubles” (00:04).
Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari tells reporters outside the Security Council its is “hypocrisy” and “arrongance” for the British Government to blame the London riots on gangs while refusing to acknowledge the role of armed anti-government gangs and terrorists in Syria. (00:27)
Philip Parham, Deputy British Representative at the UN, tells reporters outside the Security Council Syrian forces are continuing their “brutal” and “unwarranted” offensive against civilians. (00:36)
UN Spokesperson Martin Nesirky says Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is deeply concerned by the reported deadly attacks against protesters in Syria and believes President Bashar Al-Assad has lost all sense of humanity. (00:29)
In an address at the Council on Foreign Relations, GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty says the toppling of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad would hasten the fall of the Iranian regime. (00:29)
While noting measures laid out by President Assad, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon stresses the importance of sustained dialogue between the Syrian government and its citizens. (00:28)
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon says he is extremely concerned by reports of violence against children in Syria and urges authorities to carry out a thorough investigation into the charges. (00:22)
During a conversation at the Heritage Foundation Tuesday, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) voiced skepticism over the positive implications of the Arab Spring revolutions, pointing to concerns surrounding the makeup of the Libyan rebels and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. (0:45)