Sen. Levin: We Can't Afford New Corporate Tax Breaks
Sen.Carl Levin (D-MI) told reporters Tuesday that granting offshore American companies repatriation tax breaks harms the American economy. (0:20)

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Sen.Carl Levin (D-MI) told reporters Tuesday that granting offshore American companies repatriation tax breaks harms the American economy. (0:20)
In his weekly conference call, Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) said he expects House committees will present individual jobs plans within the next few weeks, opening discussions leading to comprehensive jobs legislation (0:41).
OMB Director Jack Lew says that tough choices must be made towards prioritizing what the country should or should not spend money on, which includes inequities in the tax code. (0:44)
Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) charges Republicans with holding the American economy hostage with their conservative agenda. (0:37)