Lew: We Can't Afford Everything, We Have To Make Choices
OMB Director Jack Lew says that tough choices must be made towards prioritizing what the country should or should not spend money on, which includes inequities in the tax code. (0:44)

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OMB Director Jack Lew says that tough choices must be made towards prioritizing what the country should or should not spend money on, which includes inequities in the tax code. (0:44)
Jack Lew, Director for the Office of Management and Budget told reporters that we need to address our fiscal future. We need to do it for own credit worthiness, and to demonstrate that Washington can make decisions. (:31)
Jack Lew, Director for the Office of Management and Budget, explained the differences between the proposed GOP health care vouchers and the current benefit package for senior citizens. (:54)
Jeffrey Zients, Deputy Director for Management and Chief Performance Officer at the Office for Management and Budget, talks to reporters at the White House about possible effects if the government shuts down. Zients said there will be reduced customer services in the overall system as well as suspended paychecks to military personnel. He also outlines what essential services will be available during such time. (2:16)
Office and Management and Budget Director Jack Lew explains why the Administration has decided to make cuts in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. He says it was a very hard cut, though it is necessary in trying to make difficult savings. (:59)
Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew discusses budget investments in research and development, including industries and jobs of tomorrow, electric vehicles and clean energy. In part, this would be paid for by eliminated tax breaks to oil, gas and coal companies. (:32)
Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew outlines the 2012 budget and calls it a responsible plan. It cuts spending and deficit, reaching a sustainable deficit by the middle of the decade where the government will no longer be adding to our debt. (:39)
Director of the Office of Management and Budget Peter Orszag says the Affordable Health Act is a better approach in reducing the costs of healthcare than any other alternative. (0:42)