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Entries in surveillance (13)


Intelligence Chair Says Cybersecurity Bill Could Save U.S. $1 Trillion

House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) held a press conference Wednesday introducing a cybersecurity bill that he says could save the American economy $1 trillion. (0:27)



Attorney General Mukasey disputes that the OLC memo argued that the 4th Amendment does not apply to domestic military operations

In a hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Feinstein questioned Attorney General Mike Mukasey about a Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel memo allegedly arguing that the 4th Amendment’s prohibition of warrantless, unreasonable searches and seizures. Mukasey responds that his statement that the 4th Amendment applies "across the board" is not newsworthy, saying that his understanding of the memo is not that it argued the 4th Amendment did not apply. (0:40)

Attorney General Mukasey says that the 4th Amendment applies to domestic military operations

In a hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Feinstein questioned Attorney General Mike Mukasey about a Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel memo allegedly arguing that the 4th Amendment's prohibition of warrantless, unreasonable searches and seizures. Mukasey initially avoided answering by saying that he was unaware of any domestic military operations, but he then said that the 4th Amendment applies "across the board." (0:41)

ACLU says even Congress doesn't know details of surveillance programs

ACLU's director of the Washington Legislative Office, Caroline Frederickson, says that some provisions in the new House FISA bill suggest that even Congress does not know the full details of the warrantless surveillance programs, and she says Congress should investigate the programs fully. (0:38)

Congressman Reyes says that "we will not go dark" when the Protect America Act expires

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), speaking at a press conference on Capitol Hill, says that the National Security Agency will still be able to conduct surveillance by getting court approval in a matter of minutes or even after the fact. (0:23)

Majority Leader Hoyer says that the Bush Administration prefers to act without oversight, but that that is "neither necessary nor proper"

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), speaking at a press conference on Capitol Hill, says that the Bush Administration would rather act unilaterally without oversight than to go to court, but that is "neither necessary nor proper," and both the Senate and House FISA reform bills include the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. (0:24)

Congressman Conyers says that Congress cannot pass telecom immunity without knowing the specifics of the wiretapping program

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI), speaking at a press conference on Capitol Hill, addresses the White House's failure to grant the full House Judiciary Committee access to documentation of the Terrorist Surveillance Program. He says that the Congress cannot grant immunity to the telecommunications companies until they know what they are granting immunity for. (0:28)


Congressman Conyers says that FISA reform can protect security and liberties at the same time

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI), speaking at a press conference on Capitol Hill, says that the Democrats will work with Republicans to pass FISA reform that protects both security and liberties, but they will need to reject rhetoric of fear. (0:32)

Congressman Pete Hoekstra says the terrorist threat is still real

Congressman Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) says that the terrorist threat still exists, listing some recent terrorist threats and saying the Terrorist Surveillance Program is necessary to protect American and its allies. (0:47)

Congressman John Boehner says that if FISA expires, Americans will be at risk

Congressman John Boehner (R-OH), during a press conference on the Capitol steps after the House Republicans walked out, describes the extensions made to FISA reforms, saying Republicans have attempted to work with Democrats to find common ground. He says that if the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act were to expire, Americans would be at risk. (0:35)

House Republicans walk off the House floor to protest non-passage of FISA reform legislation

House Republicans staged a press conference on the steps of the Capitol Building after walking out on a House vote. They decried House Democrats bringing up contempt charges against Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers instead of debating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reform bill that passed the Senate Tuesday night and which President Bush has called for passage of. (7:32)

ACLU describes the immunity provisions in the FISA revision passed by the Senate

Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the Washington Legislative Office of the ACLU, explains that the new law provides immunity to companies who provided call information even if they knew the requests by the government were illegal. (0:44)

ACLU says Senate passage of new FISA law is a "bad deal for America"

Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the Washington Legislative Office of the ACLU, says that the FISA bill passed by the Senate removes court oversight from decisions by the president about who to monitor as well as giving immunity to companies that illegally turned over call information. (0:35)