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Entries in science (6)


Gephardt: Make Science Cool Again

By Courtney Ann Jackson-Talk Radio News Service

Dick Gephardt former Democratic majority leader of the U.S. House of the Representatives and founder and the president of the Council for American Medical Innovation discusses the importance of placing a higher value on science education and innovation. He says science was considered a cool thing when the U.S. first began space exploration and we have to make it cool again. (0:29)

America's position as global leader threatened, says professional golfer

Dr. Phil Mickelson, professional golfer and co-founder of Mickelson Exxon Mobil Teachers Academy, says that there has been a decline in math, science and engineering graduates. Mickelson says that in America, only 15 percent of graduates are in science and math fields as opposed to Singapore's 67 percent and China's 50 percent. Mickelson says this can threaten the U.S. as a global leader. (0:36)

Genetic modification technology is moving extremely fast says Asia Society president

At a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, Jamie Metzl, executive vice president of the Asia Society, says that genetic modification technology is "moving extremely fast" and requires "a far higher level of attention." He says that the "consequences of inaction will be great" and recommends the creation of a commission to investigate the possible national security threats posed by genetic modification technology in the wrong hands. (0:47)

Senator Gordon and Bill Gates Discuss Need to Ensure U.S.' Share of Global Technological Progress

At a House Science and Technology Committee hearing, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and Chairman Senator Bart Gordon (D-TN) discussed the benefits of any technological progress for the whole world, but stressed steps needed to maintain the United States' share of that research (0:40)

Bill Gates : Global Economy is like the Olympics

At a House Science and Technology Committee hearing, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates stated that American students will compete with foreign students in the global economy regardless of whether they are allowed to study in the U.S. Rejecting foreign students cannot cut out competition (1:08)

Bill Gates : U.S. Universities Are No. 1, But Immigration Policy Expels Best Talent

At a House Science and Technology Committee hearing, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates claimed that though U.S. schools and federal research investments provide the best education in the world, immigration policy prevents the best foreign born students (60% of math and science graduates) from working in the U.S. (0:40)