Bill Gates : Global Economy is like the Olympics
At a House Science and Technology Committee hearing, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates stated that American students will compete with foreign students in the global economy regardless of whether they are allowed to study in the U.S. Rejecting foreign students cannot cut out competition (1:08)
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Reader Comments (1)
I find it interesting that Bill Gates would be considered an unqualifed and out of work computer nerd since he never finished University. He would actually not be qualified to work in his own business.
And if capitalist actually invest in the workforce why is he so concerned about government sponsored academics. Shouldn't he be using his billions to educate people like a real capitalist instead of whining about our education system? If he doesn't like it rain people. That is what they did in Japan in their business and they are still known to make some of the highest quality goods in the world.
I'm sick of thse crony capitalists that simply harass and blackmail the American people like a bunch of terrorists. I believe he recently mentioned if he didn't get his way he would move development facilities out of America and into Canada. The guy out right hates the American work force. He has a monopoly for all practicial purposes and acts as if his company is under threat.
At the same time they are willing to put up 45 billion dollars to buy some idiotic web company called yahoo. Wouldn't it be more capitalistic to use that 45 billion dollars to fund many teams of scientists and start new business to compete? Simply buying the business eliminates competition and does nothing for the work force. In fact it probably hurts America and only makes those who are already wealthy simply trade up for more wealth.
I'm sick and tired of people of wealth like Bill Gates running around believing they are god damn Jesus Christ. When all they are is a bunch of no good greedy scum scuking crony capitalists that constantly whine for government.
And last but not least if Bill Gates was not in the work force he would be out of work and unemployed as an unqualified applicant undeserving of any job but working at fast food. At least based on how he and his buddies in business operate in our new world global business.
May we all burn in hell. We deserve it with people like this running around while sticking our head in the ground and our asses in the air for them to fuck us.