Ron Paul Takes Jab At Rick Perry
Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) jokes about naming the departments he wants to cut, claiming he’d list them but he might forget one. (0:11)

Search Talk Radio News Service:
Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) jokes about naming the departments he wants to cut, claiming he’d list them but he might forget one. (0:11)
Texas State Teachers Association President Rita Haecker explains that presidential candidate Rick Perry’s new budget is the first in 60 years to insufficiently fund Texas public schools, which she says will tremendously diminish the childrens’ education. (1:09)
Congressman Charles Gonzalez (D-Texas) claims that Texas jobs don’t provide benefits for workers and the median Texas househld income has dropped since presidential candidate Rick Perry began governing Texas (0:29)
Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-Texas) attributes Texas employment increase to an increase in population rather than presidential candidate Rick Perry’s governing and points out that Texas still has a higher unemployment rate than many other states (00:51)
Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) tells an audience at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. Monday that if they want proof that he is not running for President in 2012, then they need look no further than the release of his new book. (0:09)
Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) tells an audience at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. Monday that he believes James Madison would be bewildered at the federal government’s abuse of power today and that the nation needs to return to the limited government of the founding fathers. (0:49)
Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) argues before an audience at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. Monday that the federal government has “shamefully disregarded” the Tenth Amendment, which limits the powers of the federal government . (0:48)
Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) echoes the message of Florida Senator-elect Marco Rubio that last week’s midterm election results are not a Republican “tsunami” but a “second chance” for conservatives to govern the American people. (0:40)
Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) reminds an audience at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. Monday that voter frustration with the government is bipartisan and includes Republicans as much as Democrats who support ineffective governmental programs. (0:33)
Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) tells an audience at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. Monday that last week’s midterm election results are a clear message that the American people are “fed up” with the American political establishment. (0:22)