Ron Paul Takes Jab At Rick Perry
Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) jokes about naming the departments he wants to cut, claiming he’d list them but he might forget one. (0:11)

Search Talk Radio News Service:
Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) jokes about naming the departments he wants to cut, claiming he’d list them but he might forget one. (0:11)
During a discussion at the CATO Institute Wednesday Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) said, “Just think about the squabbles that we’re having now with China. China is making their currency too weak. What about us? Don’t you think we manipulate our currency?” (0:10)
During a discussion at the CATO Institute Wednesday, Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) compared excess government spending to a drug addict wanting more drugs. (0:25)
During a discussion at the CATO Institute Wednesday, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) discusses inflation and criticized Economist Paul Krugman’s understanding of Keynesian economics, adding that he doesn’t remember history. (0:49)