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Entries in Iraq (238)


Finding the truth is non-partisan, says Waxman

Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) discusses the effects of the electrical problems in Iraq and notes that finding the truth to the problem is not a Republican or Democratic aim, but an aim to find the truth.(1:05)

Ayad Allawi: “We are here as allies and partners”

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi says that the U.S. and Iraq are at a critical stage where crucial decisions have to be made on a measured and responsible withdrawal of multi national forces from Iraq. He says that Iraq is in the process of negotiating a security agreement with the U.S. to organize the security relations between the two countries and agree on the framework for final withdrawal. Allawi explains that by making a transparent agreement which attains the approval of the Iraqi Parliament and people will create the right environment for trust and friendship. (1:20)

Rep. Delahunt: “We must insist on legal protection for our troops”

Chairman Bill Delahunt (D-Mass.) talks about the current situation in Iraq and says that “all of us” should accept the need for a reasonable and responsible withdrawal of U.S. troops. He explains that a priority for the Iraqi people is the end of U.S. occupation and a full restoration of their rights and dignity as a sovereign people. Delahunt also says that while he supports this Iraqi ambition, America must insist on legal protection for the U.S. troops. (1:23)

Chairman Byrd: Too many contracts, too few auditors 

Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) explains that the shortage of oversight and high number of contracts in Iraq is a problem, especially when billions of dollars are at stake. (1:19)

Iraq the priority of Pentagon and Bush administration 

During a press briefing at the Pentagon, Defense Department spokesman Geoff Morrell says that it is no secret that, of the two fronts, Iraq is the priority for the Pentagon and the current administration. He says that the U.S. does not lack committment to Afghanistan and it is a matter of timing when more troops will be sent to Afghanistan. (0:52)

Iraq transition being considered for new president, says expert

Colin Kahl, a professor at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, explains that there is likely not going to be a long term Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq, or a renewal of the UN mandate. He says that the Iraqi government is “kicking the can down the road” to the next administration to negotiate a long term agreement. Kahl also says that in the last few weeks comments have been made by Nouri al-Maliki’s spokesperson that suggest he’s looking for some definitive sense that the U.S. will make a transition to a new role and substantially reduced presence in Iraq. (1:18)

Iraq willing to walk away from deal with Bush Administration, expert says

Marc Lynch, a professor of International Affairs at the Elliot School of International Affairs, says that Nouri al-Maliki is in a very unusual political position in Iraq. Lynch says that the word being “bandied about” in the Iraqi and Arab press is the idea of a new mandate over Iraq, something Maliki “cannot live with.” Lynch says that Maliki has gotten a better understanding of what Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) position really is, and has become very comfortable with it. (1:45)

Obama’s plan for Iraq viewed as “the height of irresponsibility”

Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidential campaign held a press conference call to discuss Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) position on Iraq. Randy Scheunemann, the senior foreign policy adviser on the McCain campaign, explained that he is pleased to see Obama in Iraq and glad that Obama can see first hand the progress on security that has been made under the surge policy. Scheunemann said that Obama will meet with Gen. Petraeus and other commanders for the first time, witch the McCain team thinks is a great development.

Scheunemann explained that he hopes Obama will listen to the U.S. military commanders in Iraq when they explain the problems of a date driven withdrawal. Gen. Petraeus has made it clear that a withdrawal from Iraq must be based on the security conditions on the ground, on what the enemy is doing and is likely to do, otherwise all U.S. gains would be jeopardized. Scheunemann said that many commanders have previously explained that an unconditional, date driven withdrawal would be very dangerous. He also explained that McCain hopes Obama will not ignore military judgment on the importance of having a conditions based withdrawal and supplement it with his own military assessment, which is “really based more on a political calculation.”

Scheunemann explained that McCain has always said two things guide his view when it comes to withdrawal from Iraq: conditions on the ground and advice from U.S. military commanders. Because conditions are improving with the successful surge, and if conditions continue to improve, McCain does believe that the U.S. will be able to withdraw. Scheunemann explained, however, that this is not a date driven time table, but merely a hope based on gains made today and gains that will hopefully continue to be made in the future, opposed to Obama’s “irresponsible” plan. (13:43)

Woolsey: George Bush ignoring the American economy

Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) says that while President George Bush spends billions of dollars on the War in Iraq, he is neglecting our economy at home. In addition, while spending trillions of dollars overall in Iraq, he refuses to invest in America's longterm economic success. (:31)

Bush: Now not the time to give up

President Bush says he hopes the next president will realize that the United States is involved in an ideological struggle and that the US must help democracy succeed and prevent those that want to harm Americans from doing so.

Bush defends opposition to timetable

President Bush says there is a temptation to let domestic politics influence US commanders in Iraq and that an artificial timetable of withdrawal is an imposition on the judgment of commanders, diplomats, and Iraqis. Bush asks elected officials who go to Iraq to listen carefully to what is taking place.

Obama to "seize this moment's promise"

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama discusses the many consequences of war in Iraq during foreign policy and national security speech. Obama mentions how he wants "America once again to lead." (1:36)

Obama campaign on the defense

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Senior Foreign Policy Adviser Susan Rice discuss Sen. Barack Obama's (D-Ill.) Iraq strategy as outlined in his opinion piece appearing today in The New York Times, in comparison to the strategy of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) (35:13)

McCain campaign blasts Obama's Iraq strategy

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and McCain senior foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann discuss why Obama's plan for withdrawal Iraq will ultimately fail. (42:36)

Stop-loss amounts to a back draft  

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) speaks about the thousands of men and woman who are serving in Iraq because of stop-loss, which amounts to a back door draft. The Pentagon has the legal right to extend a soldiers enlistment but the stop-loss is a direct result of poor planning of the war in Iraq, he says. (1:14)

Stop-loss hurts the morale of U.S. troops 

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) says that the Stop-Loss Compensation Act provides a benefit for servicemen who have been effected by stop-loss. She says that President Bush’s bad military decisions and policy and the stop-loss program hurts the moral of the army and undermines the voluntary nature of the military. (0:54)


What KBR did wrong in Iraq

In front of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, Charles M. Smith, former Head of Field Support Contracting, hightlights KBR's main infractions, which were compounded by the DCAA. (2:25)

Obama campaign blasts McCain’s changing Iraq position

In an Obama campaign conference call, former Secretary of the Navy Richard Danzig and Major General Geoffrey Lambert (USA, Ret.,) discuss McCain’s opposition to a timetable for withdrawal in Iraq and the Iraqi governments support for the establishment of a timetable. Lambert says Iraqi forces have a greater functioning capacity and increased confidence, two factors that increase Iraqis’ desire for sovereignty. Danzig states that McCain previously said he would support withdrawal if requested by the Iraqi government and questions why McCain’s position has changed. Danzig adds that Sen. Obama’s support for withdrawal matches Iraqi and American public sentiment. He also says McCain’s position fuels mistrust of the United States in the region. (11:36)

Iraqi military operations breed confidence 

Army Lt. Gen. James Dubik who deals with the security transition issues for Iraq, tells the House Armed Services Committee that numerous operations in Iraq have solely been conducted by Iraqi security forces. Dudik added that each military operation done by the Iraqi’s has helped to develop the confidence needed for Iraq to have sole security control in Iraq. (0:43)

ABC's Raddatz says Bush admitted lying

ABC White House Correspondent Martha Raddatz says President Bush admitted in an interview that he assured the US was winning in Iraq to keep up troop morale when he knew that the US was in fact not. Raddatz continues, saying that she knows she must be cautious in declaring that things are going well or badly in Iraq because the situation can change quickly. (0:38)
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