General Petraeus Talks About Educating Soldiers
By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service
General David Petraeus says before Congress that it is important for soldiers to have an expanded understanding of Afghanistan, so that the army can function better as a whole. (01:18)
General David Petraeus says before Congress that it is important for soldiers to have an expanded understanding of Afghanistan, so that the army can function better as a whole. (01:18)
tagged 911, Afganistan, Army Officer, CENTCOM, Central Command, Congress, Congressman, Culture, General David Petraeus, General Jon Abizaid, Homestead Program, Iraq, John Abizaid, Michael Ruhl, Middle East, Norm Dicks, Officer, Ruhl, September 11th, Southia Asia, U.S. Army, US Central Command, United States Central Command, afghanistan, al qaeda, army, baghdad, country, david petraeus, democrat, education, extremism, extremist, general, kabul, knowledge, language, michael, michael t ruhl, michaeltruhl, regional security, retired, security, war on terror, washington in Audio, Video
Mother of dead soldier testifies to Senate