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Obama's Stance On Abortion Unacceptable Says Black Pro-Lifer

Pastor Stephen Broder of the Black Pro-Life Movement, says it is unacceptable that President Obama has supported "an [abortion] institution that has targeted [African Americans] for the purposes of depopulation." Broder says that the President's use of the term "reproductive health" is code for abortion on demand within health care reform. (0:24)

Reader Comments (4)

Pastor Broden, truthful words, brother ! We stand with you and against the extermination of the African American Community through abortion. Your film- Maafa21- which you appeared in was inspirational in teaching people how racist abortion and especially Planned Parenthood is . I wish every talk show on this planet would have the producers of Maafa21 on their program to expose this secret. You pointed out how the early civil rights movement warned African Americans that abortion would be used to eliminate them. And now stats prove this to be true. I was shocked at the racist and outrageous quotes, documents, revealed in the documentary which prove that Planned Parenthood is targeting Blacks ! Everyone shoudl get this film - Maafa21 and you will understand why Pastor Broden is so outraged about Obama's abortion position ! see clips here:

July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRapnsum

For the life of me I cannot understand how anyone could say that there is no life at conseption. How does the Pres think that he got here. I fell sorry for those who take the life of an unborn child. When they stand befor the jugement seat of Christ and they hear Jesus say depart from me ye workers of innickedy I never knew u be cast into hell. Oh what a day that will be. Some people say that there is no hell but there is. Just pick up the Word Of God { Bible} and read it.

July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEdna Wooten

Does not the Bible say thou shalt no kill. One of the ten commandants. Some people just aren't to smart when they say that there is no life at conseption. Come on get with it and read the word of God. I feel sorry for those who say that there is no life there. U will stand before the thron of God and give an account for killing an insentent child..

July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEdna Wooten

We must fight Obama. He's against African Americans and Americans as a whole. He's just another servant of the Rockefeller families just like all of the other presidents.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRene Donaldson

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