Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL9) and the Obama Campaign Respond to Geraldine Ferraro in a Press Conference Call
U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL9) and representatives of Barack Obama's Democratic primary campaign held a press conference call to respond to recent comments by Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY 9) (also a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton) that "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position ... And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." (17:00)
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
race card in

Reader Comments (5)
Geralding Ferraro should be ashamed of herself. Her disgusting comments show just what a biggett she and the hillary campaign have proven to be.
To think a woman who is also considered a minority would do such a repulsive thing is unbelievable.
Hillary has proven she will do and say whatever it takes to lie cheat and steal this nomination.
The democrats need to speak out against this discriminaton and Hillary should bow out before she does anymore damage to the democratic party.
Dear Mrs Ferraro,
Your recent comments regarding Barrack Obama getting votes based on his ethicity are surprisingly inappropriate for a person who has herself struggled against the gender political barrier. For an educated person to make such a comment shows a clear lack of judgement. You should be ashamed of yourself to stoop to the very thing we abhor about the Right Wing. I would expect better from you. You have really lowered my respect of you as a person and politician. It is too bad your legacy will be forever scarred by this comment. I sincerely hope you do the right thing and apologize as soon as humanly possible. Your comments were completely wrong and can not be dismissed or explained away.
You have some work to do.
Disappointed in you as a person and politician,
Ms. Ferraro,
I am terribly disappointed. Your recent suggestion that Mr. Obamas’ success happened only because he is black is especially painful. To think that being black in America is a lucky thing strikes me as being inconsiderate.
I am a black person born the same year as Mr. Obamas’ wife 1964, and I can tell you at no time in my life was being black a lucky thing, or are you unaware of the sad and continuing legacy of American race relations. You disregard Mr. Obamas’ legitimate and laudable accomplishments by attributing them to one thing, and it’s the one thing Mr. Obama tries least to be – a man of race. Mr. Obama is a child of God, a husband, a father, a university graduate and a lawyer. Mr. Obama has been a stellar state representative of Illinois and he is currently a United States Senator, and great American. Somewhere probably in the high teens of the list of things Mr. Obama is would be black man.
The statements you have made and defend amount to making his race his primary attribute. You are playing the race card in a manner that is insulting, and quite frankly would be more expected from the kind of reactionary people America has hopefully outgrown.
In 1984 I was a student at the University of Southern California an institution with a traditionally conservative bent. I remember campaigning for and ardently defending a certain congressperson from New York as being more than just a woman, but a person regardless of gender worthy to potentially lead this country. I’m sorry to know now that I was wrong, and all the time any Gerard really would have sufficed.
Gerri, your comments really aren't surprising nor shocking. The shocking revelation is that it actually took you this long to really exhibit how you truly feel.
Are these part of your death bed expressions. If so, as a lawyer then you know they're presumed to be so true.
WE finally know you. Now, go die in peace.
forza Obama