HUD Secretary Jackson says they have seen a decrease in homelessness
HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson says the largest part of the budget is affordable rental housing. Combined, this budget seeks 29 billion for the rental assistance program which they estimate will help more than 4.8 million households. We need to maintain the units currently available in addition to expanding the numbers. Finally, he says, the homeless have not been forgotten, and for the first time ever they have seen a decrease chronic homelessness, a drop of 12%. We must continue the progress, he says. (:48)
Alphonso Jackson,
Housing and Urban Development,
homeless in

Reader Comments (1)
I wonder how many just died, Eleven people I know who were homeless last year died. Many are Vietnam vet age. Reagan era policy has finally cought up with them. The years of a hard life, cancer, alcholism, mental illness, failed drug policy, etc. are taking their toll. For me It's just been the breakdown of my marriage, trying to find a job that pays after 33% child support plus insurance. One job that singed me up for insurance after the state mandate paid me about 42 cents per hour after child support, and taxes. I was to pay 80 dollars a week just to prove i wasn't drinking, smoking pot, after my only dui. There was no possible way for me out of that situation. I quit two jobs on 6-6-06 for that reason. I can make 6-7 dollars an hour cash picking up nickle soda cans and live for free as a homless person, It's a far better life than that state slavery. I've since moved on, due to the charity of two of my family members who live on social security.