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Entries in ben ray lujan (2)


Congressman Lujan braves the snow at environmental rally

By Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Ben R. Lujan joins students from around the country at the Power Shift rally outside the Capitol. Lujan says that it is time to reach out to the Members of Congress to enact a new legislative approach to climate change.


Ben Lujan: Small business is the backbone of our country

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) speaks to both Ellen Ratner and Christina Lovato (University of New Mexico, Journalism Program) after the State of the Union Address. Lujan says that he [Obama] spoke to them not just as Congress but as those the American people trusted to do the work entrusted to them. Every action we take, Lujan says, is important to the American people. Lujan then spoke to Christian Lovato, saying he knows that times can be tough, but [we will] make sure they [Amercians] get a quality education. "We all love our country," he said. Lujan also spoke about small businesses, saying if we're able to address the health care issue, we're going to help small businesses, which he says are "the backbone of our country." (5:14)