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Entries in voter registration (1)


New Registration Laws A Deliberate Attack On Voters' Rights, Say Dems

By Adrianna McGinley

Democratic House members held a forum Monday denouncing states that have passed legislation that tighten voter registration laws, saying the move is a clear and deliberate attack on traditionally disenfranchised communities.

“We know that voter suppression has been taking place, is being taken place, and is planned,” said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.).

Hoyer cast doubt on supporters’ claims that fighting fraud is the objective of the new laws. 

“Americans believe there is an epidemic of voter fraud…but if you ask them when was the last instance of voter fraud in your community…they would be hard pressed to come up with an example,” Hoyer said. “The evidence we do have points to a political agenda on the part of those who are crafting these new rules. The right to vote should and must not depend on the politics of the day but on eligibility.”

Several lawmakers noted that the new laws carry a racial dimension.

“All of these policies are statistically proven to impact people of color disproportionately, while claims have been made that these laws are designed to eliminate voter fraud,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.). “I firmly believe that these laws will do the worst thing that can be done in a democracy: discourage citizens from voting.”

On the Texas law making a concealed weapon registration card a valid form of identification, but a student ID not valid, Cleaver added, “You would have to be a very mean spirited, ideologically warped person to believe that this is right and that this is fair.” 

Advocates appeared at the forum as well to share stories of cases where the elderly, minorities, veterans, and youth have been deterred from voting because of the new laws.

Lee and Phyllis Campbell, an elderly couple from Smyrna, Tenn., recounted their difficulty in obtaining proper photo identification cards required under new Tennessee law and said they know others who say they will no longer vote because of the new requirements.