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Entries in twitter (2)


Reid Starts Spanish Language Twitter Account

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced Thursday the creation of his new Spanish language Twitter account.

A press release from Reid’s office said the new account is in response to the growing embrace of social media and technology among the Latino community.

@SenadorReid will “have a special concentration on matters important to Hispanics and the Spanish-speaking community.”


President To Host Twitter Town Hall

By Vanessa Remmers

The White House announced Thursday that President Obama will hold a “Twitter Town Hall” on July 6th at 2pm.

This will be the President’s first town hall meeting through Twitter. A live webcast will allow the President to anwser questions on the economy and jobs. Questions submitted must be 140 characters or less, though Obama’s responses will likely be longer, according to the White House.

Twitter co-founder and Executive Chairman Jack Dorsey will moderate the conversation. Click here to read more…