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Entries in Turkey (3)


Obama Condemns Terrorist Attack On Turkey

President Barack Obama released the following statement after 24 soldiers were killed by a terrorist attack in southeast Turkey:

“The United States strongly condemns this morning’s outrageous terrorist attack against Turkey, one of our closest and strongest allies. On behalf of the American people, I offer my condolences to the families of the victims and to all of the Turkish people.

“The United States will continue our strong cooperation with the Turkish government as it works to defeat the terrorist threat from the PKK and to bring peace, stability and prosperity to all the people of southeast Turkey. The people of Turkey, like people everywhere, deserve to live in peace, security and dignity. As they pursue the future they deserve, they will continue to have a friend and ally in the United States.”

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Ban Ki-moon Has High Hopes for Israeli Flotilla Raid Panel

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement today praising a new panel formed to investigate the May 31 raid on an Gaza-bound aid flotilla by Israeli forces.  The flotilla originated in Turkey, and the raid heightened diplomatic tensions between Turkey and Israel.  Ban Ki-moon says that he hopes the panel’s findings will strengthen relations between the two countries.


by Philip Bunnell


Cameron: Gaza A "Prison Camp"

According to CNN, British Prime Minister David Cameron referred to Gaza as a “prison camp” today while speaking in Ankara, Turkey’s capital. He also insisted that humanitarian aid and people must be allowed to “flow in both directions.”


- Brandon Kosters