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America: 65 Years After Hiroshima

Robert Hune-Kalter - Talk Radio News Service

Today marks the 65th Anniversary the United States dropped “Little Boy” over Hiroshima.  The resulting blast killed an estimated 70,000 people instantly, while another 70,000 were injured. Talk Radio News Service asked John Steinbach , a longtime nuclear weapons activist how far America has since the bomb’s debut.

“The bomb was exploded in 1945, it was estimated it would take many, many years before anyone else built the bomb, it took the Russians about three and a half years,” said Steinbach. “Now, we’re back down to about 20,000 nuclear weapons and 90% of them are possessed by our country and Russia.”

The U.S. has been reducing its nuclear arsenal since the end of the Cold War, but still plans on spending an estimated $180 billion over the next ten years. Steinbach described this as a “Faustian bargain,” referring to the deal the German legend Faust makes with the devil.

“In order to move toward a position of nuclear disarmament, we have to do that through a position of strength,” he said. “Six major nuclear bomb factories are going to be completely rebuilt and, at the same time, we need to modernize our delivery systems.”

He said that the steps to disarmament are very modest and believes greater strides can be made during the Obama administration.

“In order for President Obama to equal his rhetoric, we really need to keep the lines of communication open, we need to keep talking, because I think that much larger reductions in the nuclear arsenals are very possible over the next six years of the Obama administration,” Steinbach said. 


Short Lived Vacation: Pelosi Reconvenes House For Vote

Congressmen will have to postpone vacationing and campaigning for a few more days.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi confirmed through a Tweet that she would reconvene the House Monday and Tuesday of next week to vote on a package to provide $26 billion in aid to states’ Medicaid and education programs.

The bill made it through the Senate Wednesday with 61 Senators voting for the legislation.

By Robert Hune-Kalter - Talk Radio News Service


Ahmadinejad's Motorcade Gets Scare

The Iranian presidential office denied that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s motorcade was the target of a grenade attack as it traveled from the western city of Hamedan to a sports stadium.

The office has dismissed the media reports of the event, saying that it was simply a firecracker.

Ahmadinejad continued to the stadium where he delivered a televised speech to the country.

By Robert Hune-Kalter - Talk Radio News Service


Wyclef Jean Running For President Of Haiti

Hip-Hop artist Wyclef Jean has announced his intentions to run for presidency of his native Haiti.  Jean who has lived in the United States since age 9, announced his candidacy days before the August 7 deadline.

Jean was very involved in the aftermath of a January 12 earthquake that ravaged the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, killing 200,000 people.

“The quake drove home to me that Haiti can’t wait another 10 years for us to bring it into the 21st century,” said Jean according to a Time interview.

By Robert Hune-Kalter - Talk Radio News Service